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After school Tao, Isaac and Charlie were sat at Tao's. They sat at the foot of his bed on the floor all looking at Charlie's phone.

"As your token straight friend, it is my duty to remind you that some times people are straight. It's an unfortunate fact of life."

Charlie partially ignored his friend as he looked at pictures of Tara from her Instagram. He needed to know what this girl looked like, if she was pretty...and she was very pretty.

Notice the key word very?

Isaac nodded "But we don't know if she actually likes Nick back."

Tao looked over Charlie at the boy and shook his head "I've already warned you about encouraging Charlie's crushes on straight boys."

"But I want to believe in romance!"

Elle knocked on the bedroom door and all three boys turned their head round to look at the girl as she made herself round the room.

Isaac nodded already deciding to get straight to the point, only needing to fuel his belief in love "Elle! So there's this girl at Higgs. Who apparently Nick has a crush on?"

"We've heard from multiple sources--"

Isaac cut Tao off with a smile as Charlie sat their silent and expressionless "But we don't know if they're a thing. Can you talk to her? Because she's in your year at school."

Tao nodded "Charlie literally won't give up on this straight boy until we know for sure."

"Oh, my God, be quiet!" Elle took a seat on the desk chair and looked down at the three "Okay, slowly. What do you want?"

Tao looked up at his friend and slowly nodded "Do you know a girl called Tara Jones?"


"Can you ask her if she likes Nick Nelson?"

"Nick Nelson? You might as well give up right now. He's the straightest person I have ever seen."

If Charlie didn't already feel bad he definitely did now. It felt like someone had reached through his chest and wrapped his precious heart in barbed wire, making every breathe harder to use. He had a feeling Nick Nelson was most definitely straight but hey, a boy could dream. Right? Obviously Charlie spring was not allowed too, not about the Human - golden retriever anyways. If it were any other person it wouldn't hurt as much as it did right now, Charlie didn't want Nick to be straight. But he couldn't help it, and he couldn't change it.

Tao threw his arms up "Thank you!"

"And I don't know Tara that well. I can't just go up to her and ask her who she fancies. And I'm too busy being the cool, mysterious new girl who everyone wants to hang out with."

Charlie shook his head, mentally carving a fake smile across his face "I'm fine. It's honestly fine. I'm just being an idiot." but his face said it all when he stopped talking and looked up at Elle.

The girl sighed and shook her head "Okay. Look, if and only if I get the chance, I'll ask her."

Elle would always do whatever she could to make her friends happy, no matter what that was. If she had to jump around the room she would, if she had to ask a girl who she hardly knew about her love life so be it.

"Thank you!" Charlie quickly jumped up and wrapped his arms around the girl. Isaac was quick to join in on the hug and shrugged when he slightly pulled away to look at the boy who was still sitting on the floor "Tao."

"Come on..."

Tao huffed and rolled his eyes as he jumped up to finally join the small group hug.


The next day, Elle was sitting in her French class whilst her teacher was handing out worksheets.

"Ladies, come on. We've got still fifteen minutes...to practice talking about friends and family. Everyone get into pairs."

All the girls moved to sit with their friends and practice the questions. Elle turned around in her seat to look at Tara and Darcy with a smile "Can we be a group of three?"

"Oh, my God, yes, please. Darcy's pronunciation is horrendous."

"Uh....je suis bien un francais."

Tara gestured to Darcy and nodded "See." all three of them burst out laughing but quickly composed themselves soon after.

"Okay...Darcy, vouz a ves peti ami?"

"Oui, j'ai une petite amie"

Elle nodded a little "Uh...I think saying "Une" makes it feminine, so you'd be saying you have a girlfriend."

Darcy snorted as she shared a secret but knowing glance with Tara "Uh, whoops." she laughed before looking up "Elle, your turn."

"Okay." she looked down at her sheet of questions "Tara, vous avez un petit ami?"

"Non je n'ai pas de petit ami." Tara looked at Darcy and laughed a little "What? It's true."

"I know." the pair laughed even more before stopping.

Tara nodded "All right, let's move on from the boyfriend questions. Uh, Elle....Vous avez as tu des freres ou des sœrs?"


Both Damien and Charlie were sat at the table in their form room, doing whatever they were doing when Nick came and sat down.


Charlie zoned out as he looked at Nick....

"Sorry. I'm definitely straight, like, I only like girls. We should probably stop being friends if you feel like that."

"Charlie." He snapped out of it at the sound of Nick saying his name and looked down at his hands.


"You just spaced out."

Damien scoffed as he kept his eyes on his phone "That wasn't spacing out Nickky, that was daydreaming dude."

Nick chose to ignore his mate's words and pay attention to Charlie instead "What? What's up?"

Charlie was quiet as he looked at Nick, what the hell does he say to this boy? The boy he likes, very much?

"Do you...Do you want to come round my house?

Nick smiled at the question and had to hide a wince as Damien kicked his shin under the table.


Tara and Darcy were sitting in an empty class at lunch and Elle walked in on what seemed to be a precious moment.

The couple immediately let go of eachother's hands and pulled away to look up at Elle.

"I was just admiring Tara's hands because mine get super crusty in the cold and her's are really soft."

Tara scoffed "Darcy."

"I'm sorry if I've totally got the wrong idea here, but are you two like....dating?"

Tara leant forward on the table "Don't tell anyone okay? Only a few of out friends know, but I think you're officially part if the inner circle."

The couple chuckled as all three of them linked hands across the table.

"Also, "her's are really soft," that's the gayest excuse I've heard in my life." they laughed again and Tara's comment towards her girlfriend's terrible excuse.

"You've befriended the school lesbians."

Word count: 1146!!

Looks like Charlie has more of a shot with Nick effing Nelson.

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