twenty seven

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Waking up the next morning was like it always is in the Spring house, meaning it was chaotic and Damien hated it. Charlie ignored the fact that Harry was asleep on the bed beside Damien who was sitting up in his bed watching the tv.

Damien made eye contact with his brother and squinted his eyes a little "What? Don't tell me we have to go to nan's..." his face fell as Charlie's sigh.

Damien didn't get on with well with his nan, she was his father's mum so it made perfect sense. She supported Charlie when she found out he was gay but she didn't like the fact that Damien was bisexual. She told him she at least wanted one starught grandson to carry on the family line.

"I'm not going."

Charlie shook his head "You have too, dad said."

"Yeah well, he's not my dad Charlie. Never has been, never will be."

Damien knew his mum wouldn't make him go if he didn't want too, so he wasn't worried about it. Besides, he wanted to stay home and make sure Harry was okay with what happened a few days ago. He wanted to make sure Harry knew Damien was there for him if he needed to talk about anything.

So he gently got off the bed and closed the door behind him, starting to follow his brother down the stairs. When the pair walked into the kitchen Damien's dad looked him up and down and shook his head "Why aren't you dressed, we're leaving in ten minutes."

Damiem ignored the man and turned to face his mum "Can I please stay home?"

"Damien you didn't come with us last time and your nan really wants to see you."

"I have homework which needs to be done and revision for my tests. Please? I'll have them done and I'll go next time..." He was lying, Damien was definitely not going anytime soon but believable excuses were needed.

His mum looked at her husband and sighed as she watched him shake his head, Choosing to ignore her husband "Fine, you can stay home. But I want at least one peice of homework done before you go to bed....We won't be home tonight, so it will just be you and your friend if he stays."

Damien listened to the way his mum said "friend" he found it weird how her tone switched just fir that one word but it never really surprised him considering she always knew what was up with him.

"Okay, thanks mum." He went back upstairs and walked starught passed his bedroom to his sister's, knocking on the doorframe "You're leaving in ten minutes apparently. Have fun." The twins shared a knowing grin and Damien went back to his own room.

Sitting back down on his bed after closing his door, Damien looked down at his phone to see missed calls and unopened messages from Ben. What was wrong with this boy? Damien couldn't see why Ben always tried so hard to keep his friends or the people he thought were his friends. He never had them in the first place so what did it matter if he lost them now?

The boy turned his phone off when Harry started to stir beside him. Damien didn't want Harry to know Ben was pestering him, because he knew it would cause more problems than were already there and none of them needed.

Harry slowly sat up and rested his head against the headboard of Damien's bed, sighing as he turned to look at the boy beside him. He scoffed when he remembered lastnight, Damien had picked him up and moved him onto the bed.


Harry smirked "You picked me up and moved me."

Damien's mouth moved and paused in the shape of an "o" he didn't think Harry was still awake, he thought the boy was asleep. But Harry caught him and Damien knew the boy was going to tease him about it.

"Would you look at that, I caught you red handed Spring."

"Would you rather me have left you on the uncomfortable floor by yourself? No, I didn't think so."

Both boy's chuckled between them selves before Damien paused the tv "Oh and Harry? My family is staying at my grandparent's tonight." Harry knew what Damien ment and nodded at him. He felt really bad staying at Damien's but he was only doing what he was told.

Damien had told him that he wasn't going home until his dad came round to pick him up, and that worked out in the boy's favours because Harry's dad won't do that and this way, Damien could keep an eye on Harry and vice versa.

Damien's family had left and the boys were alone but together. They decided to stay upstairs for a little while until they ended up downstairs in the living room on the sofa with the tv on.

Within a minute or two the pair were slapping eachother's knees back and forth as the stayed seated on the sofa. Grins on their faces and loud laughter shared between eachother as they mindlessly hit eachother was all that anyone would see if they were around.

Before Damien could slap Harry back for like the 100th time, Harry grabbed his wrist and used his other hand to point accusingly at him. Before Harry could even get a word out, Damien was kissing the boy. Harry kissed back, moving his hand to hold onto the side of Damien's face before he gently pulled away.

Damien shook his head "You stared it." a small grin made its way onto his face.

Harry kept his hands resting on the side of Damien's face and nodded "I did not! You stared it, now shut up and let me kiss you." Damien shut his mouth instantly and stopped himself from talking. Harry shook his head slightly with a smile before placing his lips onto Damien's.


I know I haven't updated in a few days and I'm sorry.
I am also sorry that this one is so much shorter than my others but my next update will be updated either later tonight or tomorrow will be longer.

Sorry guys!!

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