thirty three

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Harry purposely made sure the walk home was slow, he wanted to make sure Damien was one hundred percent sure he wanted to speak to his mum and Tori. He wanted to be there for Damien in the moment and he would stay as long as Damien wanted. He would stay until Damien asks him to leave. Harry cared deeply for Damien, he found himself thinking about it everytime he had a spare moment. The thought overtook his mind and clouded his judgment for the time being.

Damien gently yanked on Harry's hand and nudged him with his elbow "You all right?" The boy snapped out of it and nodded, no words, no sound just a nod. Harry knew he held strong feelings for Damien, he knew he cared. Damien knew it too but nobody else did, nobody but Tori.

Before the pair had even made it to the front door Tori had already spotted them from the landing window. It may have been named creepy but she stood there and watched them, Tori hadn't known Damien to be that smitten around anyone, not for a long while. She knew her brother well and what to expect when he started to really care about someone. Damien went through four stages, he had already been through the first one: realising he liked them more than a friend and he was about to start stage two: denial. Tori knew that at any moment her brother would try to push Harry away, she warned him the night before with a text message explaining Damien's habits to the boy. Harry was counting down the moments until Damien was going to snap.

The two boys made their way through the house, Damien noticeably holding his breathe when he locked eyes with his mother in the kitchen. He moved to the left slightly so he partially stood infront of Harry. Damien knew his mother had nothing against him but it seemed to be better safe than sorry at the moment. Both Charlie and Tori took their sweet time coming into the kitchen too, eyes on the pair standing near the door.

Damien turned his head slightly to look at the boy behind him before swallowing his breathe "You don't have to be here, you can leave..."

"Im not going anywhere."

There was a strong and deadly silence in the room before Damien's mother spoke up "Your father's gone to his mother's. I made him leave, you don't deserve that from a father." she placed her coffee mug down and crossed her arms "There are words to be exchanged and conversations to be had, but I'm not him. I'm not your father Damien and if you want to be with a boy, you can. Just make sure that boy is the one with you now honey." she noticed her son's cheeks turn a shade of pink and smiled meaningfully at the pair.

Damien knew his mother meant every word, he listened to her and spoke about how his father made it worse. The eldest of the Spring children nodded at his mother "I'm happy, thank you mum. I never wanted you to kick him out, I just wanted him to give up trying to make me the son he had always wanted. I'm not like that, I never will be like that. But I'm trying my best."

"I know Damien, just be careful." she watched a smile grace her son's face, nodding slightly she but her tounge "Go out for a little while yeah? I'll call you home later."

Damien nodded and tugged on Harry's hand slightly before freezing for a moment. He analysed his brother's face from across the room and watched his lips tremble ever so slightly. If he wasn't so concentrated on making sure he had a firm grip on Harry's hand he would've noticed the pleading look Charlie gave him. The pair left the house making sure to leave their bags at the bottom of the stairs. Damien couldn't shake the way Tori kept glancing at Charlie throughout the conversation.


The pair had been sitting in the woods for hours, their backs against trees which stood opposite eachother about a foot and a half away. There was enough room for them to sit foot to foot with their knees propped up slightly. Damien looked half asleep, ready to pass out anytime soon and Harry looked the same. The Spring boy's phone was on silent and it was just them, how they liked it.

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