convenient love

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"Adrian?" Marrinette titled her head confused. She rarely saw the boy outside of school let alone without his bodyguard. Yet here he was wandering the streets of Paris seemingly unmonitored.

"Crazy fight, huh?" Adrian asked as he caught up to her.
"Not sure- I didn't see it." Marrinette shrugged hoping her lies had some how become more convincing.
"Oh..." Adrian seemed slightly disappointed by this response and marrinette cringed.

Marrinette had become exceptionally aware of everyone's feelings and now flinched at the slightest sign of discomfort- terrified she'd be the trigger of another akuma rampage.
"I mean- I rushed over here to see what was happening and by the time I arrived everything was over." She said hoping it might somehow make Adrian's mood lighten... and oddly it did.

"You should of seen it! Ladybug and cat noir were incredible!" He sounded like a child talking of their favourite comic book.

"Were they?" She asked. Marrinette wasn't really paying attention... she knew she was meant to love him and cling onto every word.. but it just felt different now.

Sometimes marrinette wondered why she still loved him... was it because of who he was or if it was because he was safe...

Adrian was like a wall... a baracade. As long as she loved him she couldn't fall inlove with cat noir and set of the dominoes of their destructive romance. Adrian would never fall inlove with her...
Adrian was safe...

Marrinette realised Adrian had been talking for a while... she hadn't meant to ignore him.

"So what are you doing out here?" Adrian asked her. Marrinette was greatful for the sudden change in subject- giving her a chance to actively be in the conversation.

"I was just out for a stroll." Marrinette had told the same lie so many times that she sounded like a broken record... despite her litteral superpower being creation should couldn't come up with anything more unique.
"I saw ladybug and knew Alya would kill me if I didn't at least try and get photos"

Adrian laughed. It really did sound like Alya- she was so dedicated to her blog. Especially now with the more frequent interviews from ladybug... Adrian often wondered how she managed to convince his lady for so much content when other reporters couldn't get so much as a statement.

"What are you doing here?" Marrinette returned the question.
" Oh... um... same?" As bad as marrinette was at lying...
Adrian was worse.

Marrinette looked at him "so why are you really out here?"

Adrian was busted... he should of come up with a better excuse before he even detransformed.. but he didn't so now he had to come up with something fast.

"I... snuck out." He was for once thanking his father's strict rules making this story all the more plausible.

"Oh? Quite the bad boy arnt you Agreste?" Marrinette cringed. Was that her ladybug persona? It would of sounded so much cooler coming from ladybug.

Adrian was always shocked by marrinettes moments of pure confidence... it was a side to her that Adrian completely adored and wished that she'd show off more often.

"Rather be that than the idiot who ran towards the fight to take photos." He jokingly scolded marrinette for her recklessness.
In reality he didn't really mind that she was there...

he knew cat noir would protect her.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now