homework and bad vibes

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"Good morning class." Ms bustier called out to her pupils and was met with their unenthusiastic response. The morning had been the sort inwhich everyone was in the same inexplicable fowl mood. The class was mostly full aside a few unexplained absentees and ofcourse Adrian Agreste. Marrinette had overslept as usual and her tardiness simply prompted a sigh from her teacher.

"Have you finally bought in your homework?" The teacher asked sharply. Marrinette avoided eye contact with her as she handed in a messy pile of papers full of disarranged notes. "And what about yesterdays homework?" Ms bustier's eye brow raised. Marrinette sighed. She been up till early morning catching up on the overdue homework but had forgotten all about the current assignments. Her cheeks tinged pink and her gaze lowered to the floor. "I havnt done it yet."
A soft murmmer began in the class behind her- but Ms Bustier silenced them just as quickly as they began. " see me during break, marrinette. Take your seat." Marrinette couldn't help but notice Ms bustier's sighs seemed to get longer every time they spoke.

Marrinette began copying notes from Alya's book- trying to catch up on the work from the start of the lesson. She noticed the uncomfortable energy in the classroom. That bad mood that she had woken up with had seemingly also found the rest of her class. She flinched- was this one of hawkmoths traps? Was this his next big plan? No... no... she needed to calm down. Sometimes people were just in bad moods- simple as that... but the paranoia still echoed in her mind knowing that he could effect decisions and emotions on such a large scale as he did with his villian Risk.

The conclusion that everyone was just in a bad mood didn't ease her mind much either... what small trigger would be the thing to set one of her classmates off... how far could they be pushed untill they gave into hawkmoth and once again leaving marrinette to fight her friends and save paris. Marinette really did not like today's vibe....

the bell rang out and students exited the room as their teacher dismissed them. Marrinette stayed in her seat for several moments- letting her classmates pass. She slid out of her chair and slowly walked down to her teachers desk. "Late homework again?" Ms bustier talked to the student as she rumagged through the stuff on her desk- finding what she was looking for she held it up to marrinette. "And is this really the best you can do?" Marrinettes homework truly wasn't as good as it should of been- but for marrinette it was as good as it could be. Marrinette shrugged. "What's going on marrinette? You use to be my best student and now you can't even be bothered to do the tasks I assigned."

"I just havnt been sleeping well" it wasn't exactly a lie. But she couldnt let herself say anymore of the truth- and she begged that her teacher wouldn't ask her too.

Her teacher looked at her for a second with a puzzled look painted across her face before returning to her disappointed pout. "That's not an excuse marrinette. You're better than this and I expect to start seeing you act like it or I'll have to call your parents again and I know they weren't happy about it last time!" Ms Bustier crossed her arms.

"Yes Ms Bustier, I'll do better. I promise." Marrinette sighed- great... so now she had to find a way to rise back up to the top of the class whilst juggling all of her other responsibilities... this would a busy term.

"Alright then- you're excused." Ms bustiers sounded pleased by marinette's response and took a seat in her desk as marrinette thanked her for the dismissal.

As marrinette turned around she jumped and almost fell back as she was completely surprised by Adrian standing in the doorway with an absent note crumpled in one hand and his other hand hovering over the door frame as if someone had pressed pause on him before he gotten the chance to knock.

Ms bustiers smiling face welcomed him into the classroom as marrinette hurriedly walked past him in the opposite direction.

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