if you dont catch me

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*warnings! Suicide, depression*

Marrinette was sat on the ledge of the effiel tower, watching as her only friend flew away. There was a beautiful breeze that brought the scents of Paris to her and they filled her lungs... feeling like for the first time in a while she could actually breath.

Marrinette slid back, bringing her legs back onto the metal floor and standing up. Her toes were inline with the edge of the tower and she held her arms out at her sides, spreading her fingers as she let the wind pass through them. The city beneath her was becoming quiet, the evening chill sending most people inside.

Marrinette closed her eyes, a thousand days laid out before her, trying to convince herself they'd be worth it. Marrinette searched a future she couldn't see for something to change her mind... but everytime she looked it just got darker and darker...

This is as good as it gets marrinette thought to herself as she went over the "good" she was getting...

She squeezed her eyes shut, her body leaning slightly forward against the wind. Marrinette felt numb and she wondered if all the pain and sadness that had been consuming her for months on end had grown so much that she couldn't feel it anymore.

Marrinette opened her eyes, the city was beautiful... as if it were a picture.
But no matter how beautiful the city was she wasn't going to miss it.... nor would she miss the life she was leaving behind in it.

Marrinette lifted her foot, hovering it over the edge of the tower. With one final breath she leant forward.

And Marrinette fell...

Hey beautiful people! This chapter might of been a bit triggering to some of you so make sure if you need to, you talk to the appropriate people and take care of yourselves! Love ya xx

Also this is not the end! More is coming and the "more" is dramatic!

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now