punctually late

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Gabriel felt his spine shiver. He'd never felt such a cold and clawing emotion before and though usually he would rush at the chance to akumatise any emotions he could... this one-
this one felt dangerous...
Wait.... not just dangerous-

It was familiar....

The emotion filled his mind as he tried to work through it to figure out exactly who these painfully strong emotions belonged too. Gabriel had to squint his eyes to block out the light, the heavy thoughts filling his mind and leaving him with a headache. The slightest temptation to akumatise this person was quickly pushed away by the realisation of the power they would have... power he wasn't sure he could control.

But despite knowing he wouldn't dare akumatise this person, gaberiel was still curious. Whoes emotions were these.... there was something so familiar about them. he'd known he'd felt them before, but they had been more mixed... knotted together like a dozen ribbons trying to untangle themselves, but right now the emotions were clear, strong and unbreakable. It all felt so familiar...  and so dark.

Gaberiel dropped his drink in realisation, garnering the attention of the entire hall, including his son, who gave him a puzzled look. Gaberiel shouted a half baked excuse as he ran from the hall, towards the stairs, he heard his son call out to him in concern but didnt bother to even look back- Gaberiel was a bad dad... and he knew it- he didn't do alot for his son... but he'd do this.

Gaberiel almost tripped over the first step but he quickly steadied himself, leaping up 3 steps in every bound. His breath was heavy and he could feel his heart beat in his chest... he really missed the endurance of his villian persona right now.

Gaberiel slammed into a man as he turned the corner of the stairs, both men almost toppling over due to the impact.

"Gaybe?" The short, stubby man asked.

"Virgil?" Gaberiel was just as equally surprised and for a second he had forgotten exactly what he was meant to be doing.

"It's good to see you old friend! It's been too long!" Virgil had a stern face- the sort that always looked grumpy- yet he sounded so purely delighted that you'd have to wonder if he'd ever been mad a day in his life.

"Uh- yes.. YES! it has! I would love to talk more- but I have to um- take care of business!"

"Nonsense! You work too hard Gaybe! Take the night off for once!" Virgil grabbed Gaberiels arm, leading him down the stairs.

"I would love to but it's an emergency, just give me 10 minutes and I'll be back-" Gaberiel turned trying to pull away from Virgil.

"Uh ah!" Virgil wagged his finger at Gaberiel in disapproval. "1 week turned to 2 months and before I knew it I hadn't seen you in more than a year- I'm not falling for that again!"

Gaberiel bit his tounge as he tried to come up with an excuse that Virgil might possibly accept but nothing came to mind. His shoulders dropped as he reluctantly gave into the request. "Fine Virgil... just- just let me call one of my designers to handle it for me."

Virgil smiled- clearly feeling triumphant- he nodded, letting go of Gaberiel's arm. Gaberiel forced a smile as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and walked a few steps up and away from his old friend. Gaberiel turned away from Virgil and lifted his jacket away from his chest and nooroo flew out.

"Go akumatise marrinette Dupain-cheng." Gaberiel put the phone to his ear, pretending to speak into it.

"But master... a kawmi's power is to strong without a holder, she will-"

"Nooroo, I am your master! You will do as I command!" Gaberiel said the words far louder than he intended and he looked behind him and flashed an innocent smile at Virgil.

"Yes master..." Nooroo looked at the ground, nervously, begining to slowly fly towards the secret room.

"Hurry!" Gaberiel demanded and the little creature flew off, phasing into the wall.

Gaberiel pretended to hang up the phone and turned back to Virgil.

"Alright everything should hopefully be okay now..."

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now