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"Go to the hospital."

Marrinette had heard chat noir. She had.

But as he picked up his staff and slammed one end into the gronnd and held tightly onto the other as it stretched out, throwing him into the sky and behind the school marrinette knew she wouldn't be doing as he commanded.

Marrinette could feel her ankles crack and her legs tremble as she walked but the pain wouldn't register in her brain so she didn't even bother to limp. She walked along the pathway, leaving behind several pools of her blood that splattered out from the impacts like throwing paint on a canvas. She slipped behind the side wall of the school as the first of the reporters arrived on the scene, snapping photos and running after different civilians in hope that they saw something. Marrinette walked towards the bakery, more thankful then ever that it was close by. She walked up the steps to the front door, reaching her arm out but catching her appearance in the reflection of the window. I can't let my parents see me like this. marrinette touched a finger to her bruised nose and sliding it down her face, tracing her swollen lip. Marrinette quickly walked back down the steps and looked up to her balcony that sat above her... mocking her.

Screw it. Marrinette thought as she put her foot on the window sill and pulling herself up, her fingers left little red marks on the top of the window but marrinette wasnt particularly concerned. Marrinette grabbed the gutter above her and thanked her time as a vigilante for giving her the muscle to pull herself up. She rolled onto the first layer of the roof and panted. She wanted to lay here and never move... but then she thought of the clientele that would be turned away by the beaten and bloodied girl that lay atop the bakery roof. Marrinette stood back up, repeating the process untill she got to her bedroom roof.

Her room was cool and dark and when she jumped through the skylight and onto the bed she couldn't help but lay there and take in the stillness of the room... finally giving her some relief from the migraine attacking her. She'd only been in bed a second when tiki flew towards her in panic... the little kwamis expression a mixture of worry and solace.

"Marrinette! Are you alright? What happened?"

Marrinette sighed. Wiping some blood from her face and looking at it on her fingers.


"She got akumatized?"


"Why? Why was she after you?"

"I don't know... she told everyone I was bullying her but who knows the actual reason." Marrinette kicked her legs over the side of her bed and sat up looking defeated. "It dosnt really matter anymore anyway."


"No tiki... she's won.... I'm giving up... marrinette can be whoever Lila says She is because I don't care anymore..." marrinette stood up and made her way to her cupboard, picking out a fresh set of clothes.

"Marrinette you can't let her win.. you can't let the bad guys win!"

"Tiki! Can you just drop it... you keep telling me to keep fighting and to not give up... but you don't get it... I don't want to fight her anymore... she not some villian tiki... she's a bully... if I stop fighting her Paris isnt going to be in danger.... no ones in danger!"

"You are..." tiki murmured. Following marrinette as she walked through her door and outside her room, the kawmi stay close to her owner- ready to hide if needed.

"Like I said tiki... she's just a bully." Marrinette whispered. She peered around the corner to see if her parents were upstairs in the house. When she was confident they weren't she walked down the hall towards the bathroom. "What's the worst she can do?"

"Marrinette... look at yourself! Look at what she did to your outside!" Marrinette stepped through bathroom door and caught her reflection in the mirror. Her black hair had turned red witb blood and clothes were soaked in the same colour... her face had swollen and serval cuts and bruises decorated her skin. "imagine.. after all this time.... imagine how hurt your inside is." Tiki sat on marrinettes shoulder, causing her to flinch in pain and tiki jumped back off. "Sorry"

"Tiki... can I have some privacy please." Marrinette whispered and she turned on the shower tap, allowing the water to heat up as she peeled off her jacket.

Tiki nodded sadly as she flew through the wall back towards marrinette's room.


Chat noir was recharged and looking for marrinette. It was a relief to Adrian that most of the damage was taken by his suit and when he detransformed almost all the bruises and cuts disappeared... elminating the fear of explaing then to his father. though plag seemed to be far less pleased by it but moved on rather quick when Adrian had offered him extra cheese.

As soon as plag had finished eating Adrian retransformed and went out to find marrinette... sure he'd told her to go to the hospital but as he ran off to find a hiding space the realisation had dawned on him the marrinette certainly wouldn't make it to the hospital alone... she'd need help.
He jumped atop the school's roof and looked into the crowd of reporters that were only just beginning to arrive. Chat was beyond relived when he didn't see marrinette amongst them- till he realised that meant she was wondering around Paris alone.

Chat jumped across the roof tops. Looking through the streets but was unable to see her. Chat ran towards her house.. wondering if perhaps she'd not been able to pay attention to his instructions or if she'd gotten confused. He jumped onto of her roof and peered through the skylight and frowned when he couldn't see her. He jumped onto the street and looked through the window to see Mr Dupan and Mrs Cheng at the bakery counter. Happily attending to their customers...

She's definitely not home chat thought to himself... her parents would be freaking out if she came through the door looking the way she did.

Chat noir wasn't sure what to do... he had to find marrinette.

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