makeup and threads

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"What do you want? What are you trying to do?"

"I- I don't know"

"Thats not good enough marrinette! We've let this go on to long! We ground you but you sneak out! We try to talk to you but you lie! We believe in you and you turn around and bully that poor girl till shes akumatized!" Sabine looked at her daughter, shame crossing her face.

Marrinette had snuck but down the side of the bakery once she had cleaned herself off, covering her bruises with makeup which had only partially worked -though it hadn't really mattered because as soon as her parents saw her walk through the bakery door they seemed to be to furious to notice any of her injuries. 

"Mama-" Marrinette started, her voice horse.

"No. I'm done with your excuses marrinette!... and so are your teachers..."

Marrinette looked up from the ground, thousands of questions unable to escape her lips.

"Mr Damocles called us..." Tom looked pained by the very words  "marrinette- you've been expelled."

"WHAT?" Marrinette felt like her entire body had stopped working, like she was paralysed in place.

"Lila told him all about your bullying- about your threats." Tom sighed "your principal dosnt want someone who could do something like that in his school... and to be honest... I can't blame him, marrinette." The gentle disappointment  in her father's voice hurt more than knives, bullets or even fighting an akuma ever could.

"That's it?" Marrinette could feel the tears welling in her eyes. "I don't even get to say my side? I'm just kicked out? That's not fair!"

"Marrinette! Don't you dare tell us what's fair!" Sabine's face was red and she was clearly hurt by her daughters supposed actions. "For too long we have been trying to support you and help you get back on the right track... but it's obvious that you just don't want to even try!"

"I- "

"Don't! Just don't..." Tom wrapped his arm around the now crying Sabine. "Until you are ready to start acting like our daughter again... we don't want to hear from you."

And that was it... the last thread of their relationship was cut. Marrinette looked down- the guilt that wasn't hers to begin with filled her. She silently nodded, walking past them and up to her room, unable to meet her parents eyes.


Chat noir detransformed in an allyway- he couldn't find marrinette anywhere. Adrian pulled out his phone and began searching for his classmate's name in his contacts. Marrinette's name was lost amongst the many others but her picture stood out- the smiling girl looking back at him from his phone. He tapped her image, several options popping up. He hit the call button and placed his phone to his ear as he walked out onto the street. The phone rang... and rang.. and rand untill it cut off. Adrian tried again but to no avail. He swiped the screen, pulling up his messages.

Marrinett! Are you okay? I heard about the akuma fight.

He wait several moments... eventually the 'read' label appearing under the message. But she didnt reply.

Did you get to the hospital? Are you safe?

Again Adrian's phone signified that marrinette had read the message but again she didn't respond.

I don't believe the rumours. You are not a bully!

This time the little texting bubble popped up and Adrian held his breath awaiting the response.


It was all marrinette had to say. Despite having finally gotten a response Adrian still didn't feel any better- he just want to see her! To know she was okay!

But there wasn't time... he was already late...

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