More fighting.

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"Ladybug. Ladybug." Chat shouted but the heroine continued staring out into the crumbling city. The scream of innocent victims being drowned out by the sound of buildings collapsing.

"Ladybug!" Chat shouted. Finally getting her attention though she seemed like she didn't even recognise her own name.

"Hm?" She looked back at him with glassy eyes.

"What's the plan?"

"I told you chat... we-" Ladybug started.

"And I told you that isn't happening... so come on, ladybug! Think of something!"

"Chat..." Ladybug sighed, but hesitated as she looked into his pleading face. "Okay... I'll try." Though she really wasn't sure if she was lying.

Chat gave a satisfied smirk as he felt as if the weight of his world had somehow lessened.

"Okay... so the plan?" Chat hummed.

"Right... well I think the first thing to do is get her away from the city so she can't hurt anymore civilians." Ladybug thought allowed.

"Yes. Purrfect." Chat reverted back to his light-hearted and immature deminear as if nothing had ever been the matter. "But how do we do that?"

"Just follow my lead." Ladybug smirked.

Chat looked at her... the line reminded him of a younger her... though the way she said it felt so hollow and stern, nothing like the girl who had spoken the same words to him just a few months prior.

Ladybug ran forward, stepping off the side of the roof and letting gravity take full control, she hit the ground hard but rolled gracefully. Chat ran forward and ecentrically turned, spreading his arms out as he fell backwards, lying on the air like a bed,  extending his staff out between the two buildings just before he hit the ground, his feet dangling a few inches over the cement. Ladybug sighed at his antics, throwing her arms onto her hips and pouting disapprovingly.

"You're so serious today, ladybug." Chat noirs tone was light but only because he thought that he, himself would be introuble if he dared to scold her.

"I'm... I'm just not feeling quite myself." Ladybug turned away, walking towards the side of the building, peeking her head around.

"Yeah that's for sure." Chat noir mumbled, leaning against the brick wall of the opposite building, watching ladybug as she tried to calculate a plan.

"What was that?" Ladybug glared at her partner.

"Nothing!" Chat quickly raised his hands in surrender.... ladybug really was very serious today... serious and practical... and ruthless.

"Mhmm" She hummed, annoyed. "Anyway... here's the plan-"

Authors note: Hey yall! Ik you are probably getting annoyed by all the authors notes but I just wanted to apologise for the wait on this chapter. As I mentioned previously I had some health concerns and unfortunately they weren't as 'alright' as I thought they were 😅 i am hoping that I'll be able to be a bit more consistent with getting chapters out from now on! Thank you all for being so patient! 💕

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