the whole "being good" thing

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disclaimer: death threats, violence, also there's a bit of bad langauge in here- I have censored it but I just thought id give you a heads up because I'm not particularly fond of it myself so I'm guessing some of you might be the same 😅

Persephone spun around, her heals digging into the ground leaving a black ashy circle beneath her feet. A bitter look had claimed her face though to be completely honest it was no scarier than a puppy grinning it's teeth.

Persephone raised the sword back up.

"Like I said.... I'm not marrinette"

She raised it above chloe's head ready to strike... the last rays of sunlight glistening against the sword and reflecting of it from a million angles at it seemed almost like it was made of diamond.

Chloe backed up, cursing herself for choosing now - of all times - to try the whole "being good" thing. She lifted her arms up in a vain attempt to stop the blade from slicing through her head.

Persephone swung the sword.

Chloe squeezed her eyes tightly shut, whispering promises that she would be nice that she had made and broken several times over.

Persephone swung the sword, missing Chloe but loudly colliding with and slicing threw the metal banister behind her making the blonde girl screech. Persephone pulled the sword from the debris of metal but as she did chatnoir jumped up onto the balcony and ran at persephone, pushing her away from Chloe and the hero and villian fell on the ground. Chat noir still cradling her head out of habbit as they rolled across the hard cement.

He hissed at her in a cat-like way, looking at her with corrupted disgust, pushing her shoulders into the ground as he sat atop her, trying to keep her in place as she fought against him.

"What the f**k is wrong with you marrinette?"

"I AM NOT MARRINETTE!" persephone screeched "I don't want to be her ever again!"

"You keep saying that but it dosnt make sense!" Chat noir furrowed his brow. "You are her! Possessed or not!"


"What does that upset you?" Chat noir laughed "good! Because if this is who Marrinette is now than I want her to spend the rest of her life miserable!"

Persephone fought against Chat noirs grip, her eyes squeezed shut as if knowing that her heart might break if she were to look up.

"And if this is marrinette now?.... then I want her dead."

Persephone looked up. Her eyes cold but bright, glistening with a promise of tears.

"I am not Marrinette." Persephone whispered through heavy breaths that brushed chatnoirs cheek and despite hating her he couldn't help but momentarily crave the warm air and villian scent that escaped her lips. "Because if she was still here... believe me... I would have killed her myself."

Chat noir growled at the statement.... wondering if marrinette had indeed vanished entirely- if she had gone somewhere he could never get her back from, he brushed the thought from his mind wondering if he should say the words tempting his tounge.


Persephones eyes went wide.

"Not yet!" She yelled out, pushing the cat of her and shoving her knee into his stomach, making him fall to the ground a distance away.

As soon as he was off her, persephone began destroying the ground beneath her, letting it turn to ash as she fell.

"I still have things to do" She hissed at she fell through the corroded balcony floor. Chat noir quickly rolled over, swinging his legs through the hole and dropping though. Ready to chase her throughout all of Paris if need be...

But unfortunately he didn't have to chase her very far.

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