the fight.

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Chat noir grabbed marrinettes hand as the taunting voice came ever closer to her house. He pulled her close to his chest and picked up her legs, supporting her back with his other hand.

"Chat! Stop!" Marrinette called out as she turned her head to her trap door to see tiki poking her tiny head out- not daring to come any closer.

"It's not safe here marrinette! Someone's clearly after you- we have to get you out of here." Chat said as he jumped onto the roof- carying marrinette as if she weighed nothing.

"Chat! I can take care of myself." She yelled back- pushing herself away from his chest. Chat noir only held her tighter.

"Can you stop being so stubborn and just let me save you?" He looked down at her- his green eyes pleading to let him help.

Marrinette stared back into his eyes before looking away again. He was really trying to help her... why did he care so much about her? Was his superhero pride dictating his actions? But then why did he come to see if she was okay before?

Marrinette stopped fighting the rescue and wrapped her arms around his neck. Despite her no longer trying to escape him chat noir held her just as close. He ran through the city- escaping the enemy he was yet to see. Chat noir knew it didn't work last time but he had no other ideas... he took her to the Effiel tower- begging her to stay put until he and ladybug could save the day.

"Do you know who could be after you? Did you upset anyone?" Chat asked.

"Who havnt I upset?" She laughed a little before looking to the ground ashamed.

"Yeah... we are gonna deal with that mindset later." Chat noir mumbled as he looked at his friend with concern.

Chat noir looked out to see the akumatized victim searching the streets- seemingly looking for marrinette and not shying away from chaos or destruction as they did so.

The victim's costume was somewhat similar to Rena Rouges- though the colour scheme now lay on the darker side of the spectrum- utilising blues and blacks. The fox ears had been replaced by a hood. The victim still had the flute and it seemed to be what triggered their power.

Chat noir jumped towards her. Was this Alya?
Chat noir thought back to when nino had revealed her identity. What could marrinette of done to provoke alya to attack her? When Chat noir got closer he realised almost instantly that the victim was not mimicking Rena rouge.... they were mimicking volpena.


Marrinette ran towards the stairs of the Effiel tower almost as soon as Chat noir had left. She had to get back to tiki- to help Chat noir. She sprinted down from the landmark and across the grass. Chat noir was on the street ahead of her seemingly mocking the akumatized victim. Why couldn't he just do his job. Marrinette sighed. She slipped between the buildings as to avoid the fight and being noticed by either the cat who was desperately trying to save her or the akuma that was desperately trying to destroy her. As she ran past the buildings she looked between the gaps to try and get glimpses of the fight. The victim seemed to be playing a beautiful melody- but as she did things began breaking around her, melting, snapping and bending. Marrinette looked at the villan- squinting her eyes, trying not to let the sunset glare overpower her sight. Marrinette stopped in her tracks.

"Lila?" She whispered, staring at the girl who was destroying the entire street-giving it no more thought than breathing.

She watched chat noir leap at the villian- holding out his staff but she dodged it with ease- sending chat noir stumbling forward into a pile of ash and debris.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now