I'll fall

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*warning suicde and deppression*

Tiki didn't want to leave marrinette. She loved her owner and wanted to help her... but maybe marrinette was right in sending her away... afterall ladybug was such a burden on the girl that it didn't seem fair to force that responsibility on her.

Tiki couldn't stop herself from flying away, though she did constantly turn  her head back to glimpse at her former owner who was standing on the edge of the Effiel tower. Tiki noticed an almost peaceful look had washed over marrinette and for a moment she felt as if marrinette could finally be happy....

Then she saw marrinette jump.

Tiki fought against every part of her being, trying to turn back and reach Marrinette, to try and stop her from falling but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't. Tiki felt as if she were fighting against a wall- trying with everything she had to get through, the earnings she was holding fell to the street below as it became clear the strength of the command could not be fought against.

"Marrinette!" Tiki pleaded as a little butterfly flew past her. It's black wings glimmering blue in the light.

An akuma.

The little bugs heart tightened at the sight of it and though she knew that her owners own akumatisation would be catastrophic, tiki still selfishly prayed it would reach her.

The butterfly fluttered through the air, heading straight towards marrinette as she fell.

Tiki watched as the very peculiar akuma possessed her owner, her friend.
I say peculiar for several reasons. Firstly, there was no connection to hawkmoth or a delay... it seemed that the second that the akuma made contact it started to turn her into the monster of her own emotions.
Secondly, this akuma moved far more sparaticly than all the others tiki had seen... as if the whole world's negativity challenged its sobriety. And lastly, the akuma didn't search out an object, it simply flew right into her chest.... her heart.

The little bug watched as marrinette was drowned in her own sadness, anger and self hatred.

Black bubbles incasing her as she hit the ground.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now