below the tower

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Chatnoir jumped on to the street below. Running forward to catch up with ladybug who was several metres ahead.

Chat noir couldn't put his finger on it but their was something off about ladybug today...

"Good evening m'lady" Chat grinned, trying to not let the possible gravity of the situation effect his disposition.

Ladybug looked almost shocked by his sudden appearance, breaking her out of her concentration.

"Oh, hey kitty... I didn't see you there."

"So what's the deal with this akuma? What are they after?"

Ladybug pursed her lips, as if she were Debating completely ignoring the question.

"Um me..." Ladybug looked to the ground with guilt.

"Why are they after you?" Chat noir grabbed ladybugs arm stopping her from running any further.

"Um..." a guilty look crossed ladybug's face "it's so weird... I know... I know I know.... but for some reason I just can't remember."

Ladybug began running again, Chat noir following close behind

"Maybe that's their power... like oblivo but more selective?"

"I don't think so..." Ladybug replied nervously as she rounded the corner.

"Wh-" Chat stopped mid question as he ran around the side of a building and caught a glimpse of the Eiffel tower... more specifically the ground beneath it.

Standing underneath the arch of the monument was a girl... an akumatized girl. She had purple hair with tones of blue and highlights of pink. She wore a navy coloured almost military style uniform with pink outlines and shoulder pads. One side of the uniform had a pant leg leading into the boot whilst the other had a short skirt and a series of bands that wrapped around her leg. The villian was holding a sword though the grip was in the middle. One side of the sword was curved at the end whilst the other end was fashioned into an almost spear like point. She looked stunning... she looked familiar.

The area around her was distorted and the ground under her feet had turned black, the darkness moving forward inch by inch looking like veins on the ground.

"Who is she?" Chat noir whispered, unable to take his eyes off the villian.

"She calls herself 'Persephone'." Ladybug replied, pulling her yoyo from around her waist and getting ready to fight.

"No." Chat noir corrected "Who is she when she's not akumatized."

Ladybug turned her head away, her eyes shifted to the ground again as she refused to speak.

"Ladybug... what did you do?" Chat asked catching onto the hesitation.

"Nothing- I- It's just persephone, okay?"

Chat noir frowned, but despite his frustration he still nodded.

"Fine then... do you know the akumatised object?" Chat asked turning to face ladybug.

"Well that's the thing..." She began. But no sooner did ladybug start talking did the ground beneath her shoot up in spikes of rock, corrupted by Persephone's dark power. Ladybug jumped out of the way as Chatnoir turned his head, holding his staff, ready to attack. Persephone was staring directly at ladybug, her bluebell eyes glimmered with rage.

Chat noir ran forward, raising his staff as he charged at the villian, her features becoming ever clearer as he closed the distance. Chat jumped, ready to strike.

"Hello kitty." Persephone sang, her voice an echo, as she raised her weapon and blocked his attack.

"Princess?" Chatnoir almost fell to the ground as he stumbled to regain his balance.

Persephone winked at the cat, a playful tone in her voice. Though her cheeky disposition was ripped away as ladybug charged at her and anger once again filled Persephone's eyes as she ran forward, sword raised... ready to kill.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now