A Decision

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Great... so now Adrian had found himself back where he had started, complete with a brand-new tragedy featuring another of his closest friends, all tied up in a pretty little polka-dotted bow. he was beginning to think that maybe the ladybug miraculous wasn't as lucky as he had thought. 

he had consider going to visit Luka in the hospital, but a sincere hatred radiated from the letter like ripples in a still pool when you throw in a rock. he figured if luka HAD been there he'd have played the perfect song that... without any words... you'd understand exactly what it meant. 

but it he wasnt... he didnt know what luka was thinking and to be honest... adrian hardly knew what he was thinking himself. and well... what was he meant to? 

it was becoming apparent the ladybug title was a title that weighed heavily. pulling down someone he thought as strong as Luka within a matter of hours. as much as he loved and admired his friends and classmates, he shamefully was forced to doubt there ability to carry such a moniker and... did he really want to risk it? 

ladybug herself could only keep her head above water for more than a few years... and she was ladybug... Paris's greatest hero! smart! Strong! powerful!... a miracle even without the earings, it was almost like she had been built by the design of a hero... and even she eventually drowned.... what chance did anyone else have? 

for a brief moment Adrian toyed again with the thought of taking on the name himself... to become the hero of creation but he argued that he had to be destruction to even it out... and whats more... no matter how selfish it might have made him... the idea of dawning that much responsibility, power and inevitably becoming a target and beacon such as his ladybug had been... it had terrified him both of the times he'd done so... to do it every day would be something indescribable... 

he transformed into his superhero counterpart and leapt atop the rooftops, landing and perching himself on his former classmate's balcony. 

many times, he'd come here to talk to her... to ask for advice.... and of all times he'd come to her window... he'd never needed it more than he did right now. not even a month ago had he jumped down onto her balcony, looked through her skylight to see her hunched over her desk, tapping the pen against the table as she tried to get through the assignment ms. busiter had given them the week before that... Marinette - being very much in character - had not finished on time. he had smiled when he saw her, she had felt like a sense of stability back then... like she'd always be there when he needed her... but he was wrong. 

that night he had knocked on her window softly, and her head shot up, raising the pen like she was ready to fight someone off with it. twisting around Marinette finally caught sight of chat, who was snickering at the thought of MARRINETTE ever fighting anyone. he remembered the way she had looked at him... she was smiling.... but it was empty, and had he not been so enthralled in the way her nose crinkled up and her eyes shimmered he might have noticed... and maybe things would have turned out differently. 

looking into the window now... her room felt... different... her things were still in the same places... but it was different... like... how even though summer was fast approaching... looking inside made him feel cold. 

that very last time when chat visited Marinette, she had climbed up on the balcony. her hair was messy and falling out of her signature pigtails, her cheeks void of their usual pinkness and her eyes sunken with a dark underline.... she didnt look like herself... 

so why hadn't chat noticed? 

why hadn't Adrian? 

she was his classmate... his friend.... his-...

he should have helped her that night... he should have at least tried... instead he'd pulled her outside to get her to feed his ego, after ladybug had put him down but to his surprise instead of denying him the satisfaction - by slapping him in the face with the usual dose of reality and sympathy - she had just sighed then apologized on ladybug's behalf.

if he had not been so consumed by his pride, he would have noticed her as being more than just a placeholder for ladybug, more than just his personal unpaid therapist, more than what he'd always seen her as. 

if he had noticed any of that... 

maybe luka would be okay...

maybe ladybug would still be alive...

and maybe Marinette...

'that's it!' Adrian said as he looked out at Paris... knowing she wasn't out there. 

'No more ladybugs!'

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now