not today.

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The day was going by very, very slowly. It bugged marrinette that now, none of her friends would even so much as glance at her but she found that atleast it gave her some undisturbed study time and she figured things would return back to normal when Lila disappeared for her next 'tour' or 'philanthropy project'.

Throughout the day she'd look across the yard to see Adrian happily sitting with the group of people who had all but banished her and ofcourse the witch herself. That's what annoyed her most... Adrian didn't believe Lila's lies... "as long as you an I know both know the truth does it really matter?" His words though at the time sounded sweet has now turned bitter. Marrinettes eyes stung- did he really prefer the company of a liar and a bully than her own?
No that's not fair marrinette told herself. He had other friends there too...this wasn't his fault. Marrinette pulled her knees to her chest and she looked at the group. Every single one of them chose Lila-they chose her everytime... the realisation hit marrinette like a tidal wave.

They must like her more than me.
They've lost their trust in me.
They've seen how worthless I really am.

Marrinette allowed no more than a few seconds to pass before she completely turned of her thoughts and with them her feelings... she would not let herself get akumatized today.

Marrinette gathered her things in her arms, walking a direct line to the school entrance, not being subtle in the slightest. It seemed to garner the attention of some her classmates as she heard them whisper about her as she walked past... she didn't care. Adrian stood up and called out to her...
"Mari!" He ran over to her as she reached the door. "Where are you going? Class starts in 5." He asked a little confused. Marrinette took a second before turning to him with a big smile across her face. "I know when class starts." Her voice sounded happy but as she trailed of the last words she'd pulled open the door and slipped outside...

Adrian's look of confusion turned to concern. Marrinette didn't break rules like that... she was always so well behaved... he suspected it must of been because of Lila- but even so... marrinette still wouldn't leave just for that- she could handle bullies. Adrian had seen the way marrinette dealt with Chloe on a regular basis... this should of been nothing to her. And yet she had left.

Lila called to him from the group. And  it felt almost as if he was being summoned.  He sat back with the group and found himself no longer caring about whatever stories Lila spun... he was just waiting for class to start and praying that whatever marrinette was doing- she'd be back before anyone found out.

Almost as if on que the bell rang- its musical notes echoing out through the school. Signifying the start of the lesson. The group quickly got up and made their way back to the classroom. Adrian felt his eyes repeatedly flicking back to the door- hoping to see marrinette burst through them. But alas... the door remained shut and his friend was nowhere to be seen. He took his seat in the front of the class and tried to push the thought of her from his mind.

The teacher walked in with her usual warm greeting. She handed a pile of papers to nino requesting he take one and hand them on. The teacher began calling out attendance- making Adrian cringe. It was only this morning that marrinette had been given a warning and this certainly wouldn't help her case. When she got to marrinettes name- he'd expected the silence but it still hit hard. A few seconds past before Lila's voice chimed in.
"I saw her leave the school Ms Bustier." Adrian rolled his eyes... the one time lila actually told the truth.
Ms Bustier sighed as she pulled her phone out of her bag.

"Excuse me class I have to make a call."

Authors note: hey guys! :) I hope you're liking my story so far. Ik its been kinda slow but I promise that stuff is about to go down so please keep reading :) (side note: suggestions and requests are welcome but I do have the main idea kinda figured out now... and oh boi is it gonna be dramatic.)

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now