the search

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Adrian dragged his feet as he crossed the school floor trying his best to embody marinettes undying positivity that had ironically died with her. There was a somber tone filling the school now. No not for there classmate but for the heroine and Adrian new it wasn't fair to blame them after all... from the outside Marrinette did seem like the bad guy. Adrian really did try not to be mad at alya for disowning her best friend or Rose for tossing out the pillow marrinette had made her and he really tried not to be mad when no one showed up at her funeral. But the thing was... it just all felt so hypocritical!

How many times had Chloe intentionally gotten people akumatised?
What about the start of the year when Kim would bully Max?
What about every time they all did something mean, or cruel or just plain unkind? Why weren't they shunned and disowned like marrinette was?? Why didn't she deserve that second, third, eighth chance that they all were?

The short answer?

Because it was marrinette who gave thoes second chances.

It would be marrinette how would welcome back Chloe when she ran off to new York after years and years of enduring her bullying.

Marrinette was the one who would talk sense into bullies.

And ofcourse it was marrinette who would not only solve whatever problem you had to get you akumatised in the first place but then also make sure no one would ever treat you unkindly because of it.

It's funny that she could do all that for them yet they could forget it so quickly. Adrian wondered if this could have been the fault of hawkmoth but it was far to apparent that it was merely the fault of the human condition, a disastrous mixture of chemistry and biology... something completely selfish that was ingrained into everyone's DNA... everyone except marrinette.

Adrian's thoughts engrossed him making him wonder if he'd somehow formed some sort of idealised version of her yet he couldn't remember a single time she wasn't exactly like that  and as he looked around at his classmates hr could see little peices of her that she had left behind with them which he wouldn't dare mention in fear that his friends might through them away.

It was tiny and insignificant and you likely wouldn't ever see it if you weren't looking. But in some way she had left a mark on everyone of them. Alix was just a little bit more patient, waiting ever so slightly longer for other to catch up to her though if you blinked you'd most certainly miss it. Sabrina was a little less passive keeping Chloe on track for her endevour to be good with gentle nudges in the right directions rather than blind obedience into whatever mean tasks she use to be assigned.

It was things like this that made Adrian feel better.
Like when ever he missed her he could look at one of his classmates and catch a glimpse of her. What he couldn't see in them though... was ladybug.

He was the guardian now... he had to find a ladybug holder and quickly not knowing how long he might have untill hawkmoth grew apathetic towards the two human lives he'd taken.

Adrian peered at his classmates, searching through his memory as he thought of every interaction he'd ever had with them... but none of them could be her... none of them could be ladybug... there wasn't a person alive that could measure up to the vision he held of her.

Alya could never keep it secret, nino was too impulsive, Rose wouldn't ever want to fight anyone, mylene would always doubt her decisions whild alix would never think twice about a terrible idea... chloe had grown alot since the incident but she had the habbit of always looking straight ahead at the simplest path to her goals... Adrian thought of perhaps taking on the mantle himself but even that didn't seem to fit quite right... creativity never having been his strong point either through nature or nurture it didn't matter... he couldn't be the hero of creation if he couldn't create.

But the biggest defining factor between them and ladybug was that they weren't one bit as heroic as she had been... not even himself. He hadn't saved her and he hadn't saved marrinette... none of them had... what kind of a hero is that?

So that was it... there was no one good enough. No one even coming close... so all he could do was to find the next closest thing.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now