dont be bemused

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The news ancor gasped. Her hand covering her mouth as she watched ladybug die and crumble away from the safety of the studio.

Her heart skipped a beat as she looked around at all her co-workers, the same expression painted across their faces as if she were looking into a mirror.

"A-" Nadia coughed. The words getting caught in her throat. She ran her fingers through her hair as she tried to regain whatever composure she could. She looked back into the camera, a serious but scared look dawning her expression.

"Paris's greatest super hero has been... defeated. We are waiting for confirmation but... for now we can only assume that Ladybug is... dead." Nadia gulped at the very word. "Now we turn to chat noir to save us from this terrifying villian."

Nadia's eyes were wide and welled with tears, before she had even finished her sentance she ran off the set, heading straight for the elevator so she could find her daughter and the two could mourn the heroine and fear the villian together.


Alya sat nervously infront of the tv her little sisters clinging onto her arms. Her finger hovered over the power off button on the remote, knowing that continuing to watch the coverage of this villian would only lead to more nightmares... but she couldnt help it, you can't look away from a train wreck no matter how horrific it is.

At first alya hadn't recognised the girl... maybe it was the angry expression or maybe it was because she tried to erase her ex friends face from her mind.

Alya had switched on the news, excited to see another akuma fight in progress. She had grabbed her bag and was about to run out the door when one of her little sisters walked in.

"What happened to marrinette?"

Alya turned her head back, recognition pulsing through her with horror. She fell to the ground infront of the screen a million thoughts pacing through her head both of guilt and resentment.

Anazi slipped through the doorway, snacks and water bottles in hand dropping them on the ground and pulling a blanket over the four of their heads
"See... the world cant hurt us in here"

So many times before alya had made fun of her older sister for being so protective and overzealous but now... now she had never appreciated thoes qualities more.


Chloe sat on the hotel balcony. She had closed it off for the afternoon so she could enjoy some time unbothered by 'commoners'. The distant sound of screams had told her that there was another akuma attack but she was unphased... it was on the otherside of town and for once she was certain she hadn't been the one to cause it.

Her phone buzzed.

Her eyes flickered open, jumping down to the screen... just some news notification- not important, she told herself going back to her relaxation.


The phone screen once again lit up and she looked down again. Another news notification. Chloe swiped it away with her finger without opening it.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

Chloe rolled her eyes. About 12 new notifications had popped up in a matter of seconds. Texts from Sabrina, Kim, zoe and even Alex filled the screen. She typed in her password and the clicked on one of the notifications. Dropping her phone, reading as things got from bad to worse.

"There's a new akuma victim!"
"There's been heaps of damage and alot of people are hurt!"
"Omg I think it's Marrinette!"
"Ladybugs been hurt!"
"Omg I think she's dead!"

Chloe jumped up! Running to the edge of the balcony and looked out towards a trail of smoke! Her heart ached as she felt alone as all of Paris did... their guardian angel having finally taken her place in the heavens without so much as giving them a name to mourn.

Chloe slumped down. Her head hitting the railing. She sat down and let her legs fall over the side of the floor, dangling over the street her face pressed against the balcony bars.

Something in the distance caught her attention and an inexplicable feeling fell over her.


I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now