the letter

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Despite both her and Adrian's protests Chloe was suspended. Adrian had actually pleaded with her to pull the "my dads mayor" card like she use to do but she refused swearing true to the rules of the new leaf she'd turned.

The was a pain of guilt swirling through Adrian but it was overshadowed by the massive burden of the ladybug mantra. The earrings were now stuck in lukas house, the title it's self was essentially cursed...
He didn't know what to do.

When the lunch bell rang he stayed in his seat a moment, all of the grief that had been stewing inside of him that he'd thought he'd finally rid himself of was back, tripped in power and size. He rested his head down against the table as his class mates walked out... all accept julika and rose. The two eventually slid out of their seats and walked down the classroom stairs. As they passed Adrian juleka gestured to rose to continue on.
"I'll catch up." She mumbled, her voice even quieter than usual.

The room was silent. Eventually Adrian lifted his head to look up at his classmate who was standing infront of him,her gaze fixed.

Prompted by his acknowledgement she opened her bag and dug threw it, pulling out an envelope. She handed it to him.

The sealed envelope had "adrian" written neatly on the front.

He looked back up at juleka who stared at him expectantly.

"What is this?" He asked, cautiously.

"Luka... left it." She muttered "it's the only thing he left... can you tell me what it says."

She was clearly nervous in asking for the favour, though there was a twinge of despair and envy evident in her voice.

Adrian's hands started to shake as he peered back down at the letter.

Carefully he turned it over, tearing up the fold of the envelope. He pulled the letter out, unfolding it carefully, trying his best to keep his hands steady.

"Dear chat noir"

Adrian froze...

luka had known...

Luka had known he was chat noir. How did he know? And did he know who ladybug was?

But thoes questions weren't important right now... the letter before him was filled with the words Luka had intended to be his last and as the doctors worked to stabilise him... it still very well could be.

"I want nothing to do with the thing that killed marrinette,"

The words felt bitter-sweet. Ladybug hadn't killed her... but it was nice to hear it the other way around for once.

"You're selfless... you keep working hard even though you're grieving and pained everyday with reminders of the girl you loved most"

Girls... Adrian corrected.

"But I'm not selfless like that.... so consider this to be my refusal of taking on the ladybug burden, good luck finding a fool who'll accept it.

This was all Adrian's fault... he'd done this...

"Because I HATE ladybug."

Shaking, Adrian looked up at juleka.

"Well?" She asked, nerves carving away at her voice.

"He... he said he was sorry.... that he loves you..." Adrian lied , gritting his teeth.

"Is that it?" Juleka asked, disappointed "no reason?"

"Um... no." Adrian thought for a moment before suggesting "he really missed marrinette"

Julika nodded. Unsatisfied. She softly touched Adrian's shoulder as if to thank him, before leaving the classroom.

Adrian read over the letter four more times. Placing emphasis on different words each time.

Eventually he picked the envelope back up to put the letter back inside for safe keeping when he noticed something. There... inside the white walls of paper... were ladybugs earings.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now