another ladybug dies

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*trigger warnings for discussion of  suicide*

The next day Adrian felt a strange sense of reassurance. He felt like even if it wasn't his ladybug... at least there would be a ladybug.

He stepped out of his car with a guilty sense of optimism and wandered up the school steps. Immeidalty as he crossed through the threshold he felt his deminear fall apart and he instantly felt a wave of depression crash over and drown him. He peered at the faces around him... some of which he knew whilst others he didn't yet they all still had a oddly uniform expression.

He caught the expression of Chloe who seemed a little extra unenthusiastic and he started walking up to her when the bell rang. Chloe looked over to Adrian but instead of waiting for him she turned and marched up the stairs towards Home room.

Adrian followed her up and took a seat at the front of the class. He glued his eyes to the front in an effort to avoid the heavy emptiness of the seat behind him despite Lila's loud and unbearable personality now claiming it. She was whispering something to alya who seemed to be clinging onto every word.

Oddly though juleka wasn't at school and rose was glued to her phone screen texting away madly, a worried and frantic expression on her face. Nathaniel or mylene would occasionally turn and say something to her but she seemed less than interested in them which was rather uncharacteristic for her.

Miss bustier walked into the classroom. Similarly reflecting the same solemn expression.

"Good morning class" She mumbled and the class gave a collective sighed response.

She called out attendance and went through the notices for the day, the whole time a nervous and avoidant deminear growing on her.

A long an awkward silence grew and several times the teacher opened her mouth but when no sound came out she would promptly shut it again. so when Julikea knocked at the door miss bustier took a sigh of relief the immeidatly straightened herself up and tried to regain some semblance of a proffresional composure.

Julika stepped slowly into the class room. She had a gloomy persona than usual. Rosa stood up when she saw her, leaping down the steps, several in one bound. She pulled her into an embrace and julika just stood there motionless for a moment before sobbing into her girlfirend's shoulder.

Adrian looked on confused. What was going on?
He turned back towards alya

"Hey... did I miss something? Whys everyone so depressed today?" He may not of liked her but adiran couldn't deny that she was still the best source of gossip in all of Paris.

She looked at him a little bit shocked. Before shaking it off, leaning forward and whispering so julika wouldn't hear.

"Luka tried to kill himself last night."

"What?!" Adrian shrieked. Jumping out of his chair with his stomach twisting into knots. His outburst drew the attention of the class.

"Yeah" Lila chimed in not bothering to give julika the same etiquet of subtly "seems like marrinette really managed to mess the poor boy up."

"This isn't about you Lila" Chloe piped up from her seat. Her eyes pinned to the front of the class.

"Oh Chloe. You are so right. I just can't stop thinking about how marrinette was so clearly sick... if only we had realised sooner.. then perhaps she would my have been able to bring anyone else down with her. Especially luka... I'm sorry Chloe I know you two had become quite good friends." Lila hummed "I do wish him a speedy recovery"

"Keep their names out of your mouth , Lila. I'm serious!" Chloe stood up glaring at her.

"Why? These things are important to talk about." Lila walked forward leaning in close next to chloes ear before whispering "It's important to know who the villians and victims in history are."

Lila stepped back looking right in chloes eyes, she smiled sweetly but still spoke no more than a whisper " but luka was nothing more than an unfortunate by-product "


Then Chloe slapped Lila.

For a second no one was really able to process what had happened. Lila touched her fingers too her cheek which was hot and stung. Chloe glared at her coldly. Her fingers curly up into a fist and Adrian jumped up grabbing chloe by the arm and dragging her out of the classroom before she could punch Lila too, Getting herself in even more trouble.

As they left the classroom several people rushed to Lila's side. Seemingly all except rose  forgetting about julika.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now