pros, cons and duties

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Adrian detransformed, he threw the ladybug earing across the room and tiki scowled at him as she flew over to gather them up and carefully wipe imaginary dirt of.

"What are you doing, Adrian!?" Plagg shrieked "you unified us?"

Adrian sunk to the floor wrapping his arms around his legs and burying his face into his knees.

"I miss her" Adrian mumbled he wasn't sure who he was talking about but he figured the sentiment was likely equal part for both marrinette and ladybug.

"That's not an excuse! Tiki can I have some help here?" The kwami turned to look at his opposite who was staring blankly back. "Tell him making a wish only ever leads to disaster!"

"I- i-" tiki seemed... for a moment... that she wanted to tell adrien to do it to bring them back. "Plaggs can't."

"Then why did you come here tiki? Why the HELL did you come?" Adrian yelled and plagg shushed him worried that his father or Natalie might hear.

"Because I want you too! I want you to bring her back!" Tiki confessed her expression alien to anything Adrian had ever seen before.

"You're selfish!" Adrian hissed

"So are you!" Tiki cried "you want her back too!"

"Then we should!" Adrian exclaimed "why should we be selfish! How many times have I saved Paris? How many times have I risked everything? And what about you! You given up thousands of life times just to serve the greater good! We deserve to get what we want for once!"

Tiki and plagg went silent. Just staring at him. Adrian looked past the bathroom door. His reflection catching in the mirror, seeing how truly insane he looked and how the pain was scarring his face with tears that burnt through to his soul. He slumped back against the wall with a dull expression.

"I miss her."

"I do too." Plagg whispered softly "but it's too late to save her... I think it was probably too late long before she actually died, adrian"

"It's not fair!"

"It's not meant to be fair." Plagg gave the boy a sad look "you're the hero... you have to keep playing by the rules even if it feels like the whole world is cheating! Ladybug knew that. Marrinette sure as hell knew that... now it's about time you learnt it too."

Adrian crumpled under the words. Knowing every single one of them was true... and knowing that no matter how hard he'd try he would be able to convince himself that he didn't care.

Adrian mumbled a partially coherent reply which seemed to satisfy the kawmi

"... Adrian ladybugs responsibilities fall onto you... you know that right? No one else is here to help you anymore it's up to you... and i know its soon... too soon... but you need to find a new holder for tiki... you need to find a new ladybug."

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now