arriving late.

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Adrian didn't mind having photo shoots before school... he always liked the early morning air and he felt a little extra confidence going into school wearing the light makeup they'd apply. He didn't like the photo shoots, however, when they crossed over into school hours. He was jealous that his friends got thoes extra few minutes with eachother while he was off taking photos of the latest fashion trends- which despite his heritage, he couldn't of cared less about.

As soon as the photographer had declared he was satisfied with the pictures Adrian had booked it back to the car with Natalie and gorilla already seated and waiting for him. Natalie began filling Adrian in on the rest of his schedule whilst gorilla drove the short distance between the park and school. They pulled up infront of the gates and before Natalie had even finished her sentance, Adrian had jumped out of the car and had run through the gates towards his classroom. He ran up the stairs, the metal platforms meeting his shoes made a large thumping noise garnering the attention of nearby students- including several of his friends. They waved to eachother as he reached the second floor of the school. He was still waving to them as he arrived at the classroom- raising his hand up to knock on the door and turning his attention to the teachers desk. He halted.

Marinette stood infront of the teachers desk as Ms bustier scolded her.
"That's not an excuse marrinette. You're better than this and I expect to start seeing you act like it or I'll have to call your parents again and I know they weren't happy about it last time!"
Adrian was shocked. Had marinette really gotten so bad in school? she always scored so high on the tests! And she was always so nice and helpful in class... had he really been so oblivious to whatever supposed problem that his teacher was talking about what? And what did Ms bustier mean by 'again'? What hadn't he been noticing?

He felt the same sense of guilt he experienced as when he watched the news the previous evening. right now he was looking at marrinette the way he looked at ladybug last night...

When marrinette turned she jumped back- seemingly very scared by Adrian's sudden presence- by this point Adrian had developed a reflection to specifically marinette- instinctively protecting her from her own clumsiness but he was somewhat frozen and was relieved when she didn't actually fall. She locked eyes with him for a second in pure shock- Adrian supposed that she was trying to figure out how much he had heard. She obviously didn't like the conclusion she came to because marrinettes eyes shifted to the floor and she hunched herself over as she almost ran past him, her cheeks glowing with hot, red embarrassment.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now