kind or stupid

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Victim's hands loosened a little as she stared at the person on the other end of the street. Marrinette titled her head back to see chat noir standing confidently with his staff resting over the back of his shoulders and under his wrists. "Picking on a civilian? That hardly seems fair." Chat noir tilted his head "though granted- this one's pretty tough." He laughed, unintentionally bringing Lila's attention back to marrinette. Lila looked down at the girl and began squeezing her throat again.

"Oh sh-" Chat noir said as he realised that his one-sided banter successfully made the villian angry but unsuccessfully- it did not draw her attention to him.

Chat noir ran at victim and pushed her off marrinette and both of them to the ground. Chat noir hissed at the villian- his cat instincts rising to the surface. Victim punched him in the jaw forcing him to move back for a second giving her time to shuffle back. Victim grabbed Chat noirs shoulders then drove her knee into his stomach. Chat noir winced and stood up as Lila did. Chat readied himself with his staff "cataclysm" he yelled and ran at the villian ready to attack.

"I don't have time for this." Lila yelled out, grabbing chat noirs staff from his hand. She stepped back- chat noir stepped with her and went to attack her with his cataclysm. Victim ducked and held out the staff, smashing it into his head as hard as she could. Chat instantly fell to the ground and lila laughed at him. Chat tried to push himself back up but as Lila saw movement she brought the staff  down on the back of his head repeatedly.

Lila threw the staff away as she approached marrinette who was doing her best to get to chat noir despite the extreme vertigo and blood loss. Lila wiped some blood from her lip as she pushed marrinette back to the ground and laughed. She took back the flute that marrinette had been so desperately trying to keep away from her then kicked marrinette away.

"Completely and utterly useless..." She spat on the girl.

"Ladybug... last chance! Come out right now or everyone in this school dies! And after that! You're little kitty cat will be the next to go!" Lila called out- she wait a few seconds before sighing.

"Oh well."

Lila walked towards the school- bringing the now blood soaked flute to her lips... Lila began playing her mischievous tune...

But nothing happened. The school and everyone inside was safe. The students and citizens were trying to make sense of what was happening catching only peices of the dialogue.
"What the hell?" Lila asked looking at her instrument in confusion.

"Huh?.. look at that... I did protect my friends." Marrinette smiled at the back of Lila's head as she slowly pushed herself up in agony. 

Lila turned around, her face red.
"What? Oh... you touched my flute to something else? Very smart." Lila began a slow clap, taunting marrinette... then suddenly Realisation washed over her face. "Oh... and sweet, kind marrinette wouldn't want anyone or anything else to get hurt... so my guess..." the corners of victim's mouth curled into a smile. "is that you touched it yourself." Lila brought the flute back to her lips and blew into it.

Agonising pain rippled through marrinettes body as she tried to stay standing. Her skin felt as if it was being peeled from her body and every bone felt as if it were shattering. She stared at Lila- not daring to show any sign of weakness or drop the eye contact. Marrinette could feel her legs giving in beneath her and desperately fought against the feeling to give up.

"Whether it's kind or stupid... you've got way to much of it Marrinette..." Lila laughed giving marrinette a short interval before resuming her song.

Marrinette watched as her skin slowly started to dissolve into ash around her- The feeling of pain completely and utterly unimaginable. Marrinette had been trying to hold it in but she couldnt anymore... she started screaming... calling out in pain- praying for it to end. Lila smirked as she watched her enemy suffer She continued playing the song- to her it was nothing more than a sweet melody.

Chat noir looked up. His head was aching and certainly the final rays of sunlight didn't help. Chat noir heard the same song and flinched, closing his eyes- fearing his body would once again feel the death like agony. When nothing came he looked up again to see Lila playing her flute with a disgustingly happy look on her face.
Chat followed Lila's eye line and looked to see marrinette fighting against the pain- trying to walk towards Lila. Chat nojr just stared for a second- somewhat impressed by her determination. Chat jumped up and ran at the villian- his powered hand reaching out towards Lila's flute. Lila- completely unprepared for the attack tried to dodge but it was to late. Chats fingers brushed the instrument and the flute immediately turned black and crumbled in her hands. Lila screamed at Chat noir. She lunged at the cat- going for his throat but he grabbed her hands and pulled her down to the ground- chat grabbed her necklace and ripped it off- shattering it into peices... an akuma flew out from the broken pendant. before it had even gotten so much as a ruler length away chat noir squashed it.

Lila's villian attire bubbled and morphed away.

Chat noir fell of his feet and sat back, exaughsted. "Ladybug better have a really good excuse for not showing up to this one." He muttered more than a little frustrated.

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