mean texts

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As soon as Adrian was out of sight he began sprinting up the stairs, running up to his room. Despite enjoying the night's company, Adrian still couldn't shake the thought of marrinette from his head. As he entered his room he slammed the door behind him, pulling out his phone. Adrian began calling marrinette's cellphone but each ring left him with a deepening feeling of dread.

"Hey pri-marrinette... I hope you are okay! I'm really worried about you. Call me back" Adrian spoke to her voicemail.

Maybe he could go to her house... her parents must know where she is by now.... No... it was too late to disturb Mrs Cheng and Mr dupan.... he would have to wait till morning- or maybe he could turn into chat noir and go looking for her again... but it didn't seem like she was missing... if she was her name would be circulated through Paris and there would be search teams everywhere... no... she wasn't missing.

But despite his conclusion Adrian still felt uneasy... he couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to be with Marrinette right now.

Adrian looked through his notifications... hundreds of messages blowing up his phone about the fight he hadn't been at... atleast not as Adrian. Each version of the event ever so slightly different than the last but everyone ended with Marrinette as the villian... as Chloe would say it was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. One string of messages caught his eye... they were from a group chat with himself, nino, alya and.... marrinette.
The first few messages were direct attacks at marrinette 'how could you?' 'You disgust me'. But when marrinette didn't respond, nino and alya had simply begun talking to eachother about her, not bothering to move to a private chat. Adrian sighed... this really wasn't fair.

Adrian tapped the speech box and the keyboard popped up.

'Have you heard from marrinette?' He typed into the group chat, hoping invain that they'd still cared enough to worry.

Immediately alya sent a reply back. 'No. And I'm glad! Hope she never talks to us again!'

Adrian clenched his teeth... if only they would listen to her side of the story- but Lila had ruined her reputation so many times over that it was easy to see how trust might have faltered...
I should have done it... Adrian thought to himself. People would of believed me...

In retrospect he was mad at himself... if only he had confirmed that lila was a liar when marrinette first declared it... if only he hadn't told marrinette not to worry about her... if only he had done more than help from behind the curtains...

'Guys. I think you need to let marrinette tell her side of the story... we all know she isn't a bully.' Adrian sighed, it wasn't much... but it was a start.

Unfortunately his "start" was met by aggressive and annoyed replies scolding him for his nievety.

Adrian was about to argue back but suddenly an invisible wave washed over him... just a split second of complete emptiness, desperation and... and power... then suddenly everything felt normal again. It might not of concerned him except for the fact that he was physically pushed back by it...

Almost immediately nino and alya were texting about that very thing... confirming to him that it wasn't just his imagination...

what was happening?

Adrian walked over to his window looking outside, searching for any sign of what was possibly wrong.

He stared into the darkness, his almost trance like glare only broken by...


Ladybug had been flung across Paris, landing almost directly infront of Adrian's house.

An akuma attack Adrian thought to himself as he pulled his jacket away from his body, letting his little kwami out.

Plag's eyes widened, a look of fear falling across his face.

"What is it plague?" Adrian asked, as he glimpsed at the kawmi before returning his eyes to his lady who was stumbling onto her feet below.

"This is bad..."

"What is?"

"Can't you feel it?"

"Feel what?"

"All that power... this isn't just an akuma... this is more..."

"More?" Adrian asked, confused "like hawkmoth got stronger?"

"I don't think so... I can't say for certain because I've never seen it before but..." plag paused nervously " I would say noorroo made this akuma without a holder."

"What?!" Adrian stepped forward pressing his face against the glass as he tried to catch a glimpse of the villian "what does that mean?"

"I don't know Adrian! Nooroo has never used their power by themselves before! Its just.... all this power... it feels so similar to when sugarcube and I use ours... maybe more... its... its unstable..."

Adrian gulped... if plag was right... this would be difficult.

"Claws out!" Adrian shouted.

Ladybug can use all the help she can get.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now