so do I

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Marrinette had taken a seat on a pedestrian bench and settled down to finish her homework- ignoring tiki protests that they should go back to school. She was done with everyone... she had worked for years building trust and her reputation and lila had come along and in seconds completely demonolished it... why did they always believe her?

Marrinette continued working late into the afternoon, the cool breeze was refreshing and for a second she felt okay.... then Marrinettes pen broke in her hand, the ink spread across her page, hand and pants. She groaned. She ripped the page out of the book and through it towards a nearby trash can but missed by a mile. She sighed and walked over- picking it up, throwing it away along with the pen that was still leaking its blue insides. She looked at her phone and panicked when she saw the time. School ended 15 minutes ago and she was nowhere near the school let alone her house. The street was busy and some people seemed to take notice of the girl running down the street but didn't pay her much mind. Marrinette was sprinting between people and dodging cars as she ran across the roads. Her parents were going to kill her.

Marrinette was running across a Bridge when she heard a scream come from the road beneath her. She looked down and a little child had walked onto the road and was wondering between the very fast moving cars which seemed to be completely oblivious to the child's presence. In an instant Marrinette had leapt over the side of the railing and slid down one of the piles. Marrinette ran past the mother screaming for her child's life and ran into the road, ducking between the cars and at one point even jumping over the hood of one. She snatched the little kid in her arms and ran straight to the otherside, tripping over as she did- but turning herself just in time so that she landed on her back so the kid didn't get hurt. Marrinette paused for a moment to check the toddler was okay before waiting for a gap in the traffic to run the child back over to their mother. Marrinette practically threw the child at the mother and immediately began running again. Cries of thanks rang out from the mother as she begged her to wait but marrinette had to get home and now she was going to be even later.

Marrinette arrived at the bakery late... very late. Her parents were standing at the counter- and when they saw her a very angry look crossed their faces.

"Where were you?" Tom asked.
"I went to the park after school. I'm only 5 minutes past cerfew." She said with her most innocent tone.
"You ditched school!" Sabine exclaimed with anger.
"Oh... that's what you meant. I... was trying to catch up on school work and missed the bell- spent the whole break in the library and missed attendance, it was an accident." Marrinette didn't know why she was lying right now. This wasn't a lie to protect her identity... this was simply a lie to protect marrinette...
No one ever believed her that lila was bullying her and it seemed as though everytime she made the accusations her own reputation would be the one to pay for it.

"Someone saw you leaving school marrinette." Her father sighed. "Just tell us where you were."

Maybe she could tell them... maybe she could say how awful today was. She could tell them about the lies lila had made up, that she was behind in her school work, that her friends won't stand by her and she could tell them about the stinging pain across her back. But marrinette realised that if she told them that then she might not be able to stop talking and everyone of her secrets would spill out like water from a broken faucet.

"I... was no where." She mumbled.


"It dosnt matter, okay? So just drop it!"

"You aren't like this! What's going on?" Sabine yelled.

"Nothing! I'm fine mum! Just forget it! I won't do it again, okay!" Marrinette wasn't sure which part was more of a lie.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now