big S(s) and scribbles

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Marrinette sat next to alya trying to ignore the loud conversation her friends were having as she worked through the notes from the lessons, transferring the information from alya's notebook to her own. Occasionally her friends would try to include her in the conversation which she appreciated though found the distraction more of a nuisance than anything else. Appearing almost out of thin air, Lila hovered above marinette reading her notes over her shoulder.
"Catching up on study marrinette." Lila practically sung the words. Marinette simply mumbled a response not caring to look up from her book. "Do you think you could write down thoes notes for me too while you're at it?" Lila smiled sweetly at the back of marrinettes head. Marrinette looked up confused... "you were inclass Lila- why didn't you write your own notes?" She rolled her before continuing to write. "Didn't you hear marrinette? I only just got back from my tour with jagged Stone last night. I was exaughsted and couldn't manage to write a single word." Marrinette scoffed. Jagged Stone was like family to marrinette- she knew that lila hadnt gone on any tour with him nor would she ever. She didn't bother to call out the lie though- she knew how Lila would react... she'd get akumatized and then ladybug would have to deal with it... and marrinette didn't feel like dealing with that today.
"Ah huh... so why can't you write them out yourself later... when your less tired?" Marrinette was bored of the conversation.

"Oh you silly Billy. Don't you remember how my wrist was sprained and there was that incident with the napkin... while you see my doctor says it's caused severe damage... oh I know you didn't mean to hurt me marrinette but I think we all learnt a valuable lesson." Lila poked the top of marrinettes head with her finger and marrinette could swear it caused a shiver to run down her spine.
"But I'd really appreciate it if you helped with my notes." Marrinette looked to her friends to see if they were buying it and to her complete lack of surprise... they did. Alya elbowed marrinette sharply in the ribs.
"Come on marrinette- this could be the chance to become friends with Lila... you can put this rivalry behind you.... plus.. I mean... you kinda owe her." Alya looked at Lilas wrist sympathetically.

With the collective unspoken vote that seemingly agreed with Alyas assessment- marrinette sighed and gave in to try and save the remains of her social life.
"Alright Lila." She said- ripping out the pages in her book that she'd just finished handing the work over to her enemy.
Lila smirked, an expression that could only be compared to a lion over the body of its latest kill.

Marrinette began writting the notes out again as Adrian approached the group taking a seat between nino and Marc. The was an akward tension in the group which Adrian instantly began trying to investigate.
"What's up?" He asked in a low tone to Nino.
"Marrinette's still fighting with Lila. You'd figure she would of gotten over whatever drama they had by now, wouldn't you?" Adrian didn't like the phrasing... all the blame was being put on his friend rather than the girl actually at fault... he didn't like it.

Lila was shuffling through some notes- Adrian instantly recognise them to be marrinettes as the collums were filled with little doodles of their classmates and the 's's were larger than the rest of her writting... things he'd come to associate with her work. Judging by the fact the Lila had his classmates work and the bitter look planted across marrinettes face... Adrian figured he'd missed far more than a simple disagreement... he'd missed a power struggle- one that marrinette had lost.

Adrian sighed. It was moments like these when he realised that despite not wanting to admit it... he wasn't all cat noit... cat noir would call her out, make a scene and help marrinette... cat noir would be brave enough to risk his own reputation, cat wouldn't care if people thought he was petty or jealous or troublesome- cat would just do what he could to be helpful... but right now he was Adrian- and Adrian wasn't cat noir.

Lila sat in the group and began 'recounting' anecdotes of the tour. Adrian's classmates were captivated by her tales and were hanging onto every word... how did she do that? How did she lie like that? It was like it was her first language- more fluent in fiction than she was in fact. At some point Adrian even began to find he too was falling for some of the more fantastical stories and was forced to snap him self out of her siren call of lies.

"And he was inspired by my outfit that he asked me to design his next album cover."
There was a snicker from marrinette who had, up to this point been silent. Adrian had figured that this must be a sign that marrinette was going to be the one working on the cover- just as she had for all his music for the last year. Lila needed to learn to fact-check.
"Problem marrinette?" Lila asked, annoyed by the interruption.
For a second marrinette didn't say anything and bit her lip to fight back the words.
"Don't lie on my friends name." She looked straight at Lila for a second- glaring into her eyes.
Adrian was caught of guard, had he been in her place he would of spoken to defend his own work... this was such a marrinette thing to do.
"Oh Marrinette... i tried to mentioned you to Mr stone... but he said he'd never heard of you.." Adrian audiobaly laughed at this- how did Lila expect anyone to believe that? Marrinette had been on magazine covers and the news with the super star and the singer had even dedicated a song to her. How could anyone fall for the clearly obvious lie?

The answer... because they are idiots.
Suddenly the group of friends was in chaos. The vast majority hounding marrinette with insults. Lila kneeled down infront of marrinette and shushed the crowd "Marrinette you don't have to lie to be our friend." Her smile looked sickeningly sincere and when she put her hand on marrinettes shoulder pure disgust filled his body and instinct told him to get Lila away from his friend- as if lila were infected with some horrific and contagious disease.

Marrinette was completely stunned. How were people believing this? She looked at Lila- marrinette wasn't mad and infact the slightest part of her was impressed by her ballsyness. More than anything she felt annoyed... but that feeling quickly got washed away by an overwhelming numbness as she realised that whatever she said right now... Lila would still find a way to make everything worse.

" okay Lila" Marrinette sighed and continued writting her notes.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now