lucky charm

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Ladybug jumped out of the way as a sharp, large sword came falling down from the sky. The metal clanking as it collided with the ground.

"Now we are on an even playing field." Ladybug grinned at persephone, void of any sympathy or restraint two thinhs that cat had come to adore about her and was now dearly missing.

Ladybug ran at persephone with out hesitation, a serious and... very scary look crossing over her..  as if she were ready to kill.

Persephone looked at her sadly, before running forward, pulling a dagger from the sheath around thigh.
Ladybug swung her weapon at persephone, slashing her arm, making her stumble back as her finger tips brushed the wound, dripping with blood.

Persephone ran forward again, watching as ladybug uncharacteristically predictably raised her sword again, reading herself for the same attack. Persephone jumped onto her knees, dodging as ladybug swung her weapon, digging her dagger into ladybugs upper thigh.

Ladybug wailed out in agony as persephone ran past straight towards chat noir. She grabbed her sword, pulling it from the wall, effortlessly. Chat noir jumped forward, ready to restrain her but she turned and gave a sharp kick to his stomach. Chat noir fell back against the wall, colliding with is so violently that some of the bricks cracked and caved inwards.

"Stay down kitty." Persephone whispered... it was an almost pleading tone.

Persephone ran forward, her sword at the ready, ladybug matched the same stance and both women charged at one another, an unspoken agreement that this was to death.

Persephone swung her sword but ladybug dodge, carefully jumping back right as the the sharp blade came at her. Ladybug turned, her sword twisting with her, impacting with the side of persephone's torso.

The akuma victim hissed at ladybug, who decidedly gave her no break.

Ladybug thrust her knee into persephones stomach and pushed her onto the ground.

"Ladybug! Kore! get her akuma!" Chat yelled out as he pushed himself back onto his feet.

"I'm sorry chat... but I can't save her." Ladybug whispered, raising her sword above her head.

Chats eyes widened and his heart sank as he watched one of the most important people in his life standing infront of him... about to murder the other.

He could not let that happen. He would not.

Chat noir ran forward. Time felt like it had slowed down and no matter how fast he ran... it was never fast enough.

"Kore!" Chat noir shouted at the top of his lungs in a desperate plea.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now