we need ladybug

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"Marrinette... you- we can fix this... we always fix it!" Tiki flew out from marrinette's jacket and flew behind her owner, chasing her across the room.

"How tiki?" Marrinette turned to face her kwami. "How are we suppose to fix this? I've been expelled from school, my friends hate me and my parents want nothing to do with me! How do WE fix this?"

"I- I don't know... but you always come up with something! You're ladybug, afterall! Paris' greatest hero!" The little bug raised her arms in the air as if she were superman.

"MAYBE I DONT WANT TO BE!" Marrinette hadn't realised what she'd said until she'd said it but now that she had... it felt right...

"No. marrinette... don't say that! You have to be ladybug!"

"Why? Why do I have to be? Because master fu said so? Well guess what tiki! Master fu isn't here anymore! He left when we needed him the most so why should I care about a promise I made to a man who dosnt even remember me?" The other kwamis began poking their heads out of their hiding spots- watching the situation unfold, wide eyes with worry as they watched their guardian debate giving them up.

"Because Paris needs you- marrinette... just calm down- we both know that deep down you want to protect people! That you are selfless and kind and-"

"Didn't you hear my parents tiki? 'You've change!' I've changed tiki! I'm not selfless! Paris can burn for all I care!"

The kwamis gasped. "She dosnt mean that!" "She's just upset" "Don't listen to her" the little creatures whispered among themselves.

"Marrinette just calm down... you have to look on the bright side." Tiki murmured.

"What bright side?"

"You still have us!"

"Yeah... I do have you guys... and everyday I have to stop you all from getting me into more trouble and on top of that I have to protect you from some crazy butterfly man who sends monsters to get you and to kill me... what a great silver lining." Marrinette looked away... she hadn't meant it to sound so mean... but then again... how could it not?

The kawmis looked at her with guilt flashing across their face... yes it was hurtful - but it was also true.

"Marrinette you just have to hold on a little longer we just need ladybug a few more months." Wayz murmured

"Ladybug? You just need ladybug?" Marrinette turned around to the kwamis- her cheeks glimmered with tears. "Get out! All of you!"

The little creatures hesitated.

"I said leave! I don't care if you go find yourself new owners! Just leave and never come back!"

The kwamis looked at eachother- their little hearts breaking, not from the unkind words that were being shouted their way... but because they faced with saying an eternal goodbye to their guardian.... their friend.

Marrinette walked over to her desk and opened her sewing box, pulling out the jewlry box. She opened the lid, and slowly - one by one each kwami took their jewl from the box.

The creatures looked at her... silently begging her to change her mind...but marrinette didn't even look at them.

"Tiki- spots on."

Authors note: thank to everyone who has been sending me ideas for future stories! Super excited to start working on them but for the time being I am just trying to get this one done- I am still more than happy to read your ideas but just be warned that it might be awhile until I do anything with them 🙃

I would love to hear some feedback on this story so far: what do you want to see more of? Less of? Is there something I'm missing?

*important* Final note! We are heading into ending of the story and you guys have 2 options!
- I can end the story in the next few chapters probably with Adrian intervening alot like he did in the show.
- or I can continue the story with the MAIN plot point I've been wanting to do but it will probably get very dark! Let me know what you guys think and I will have officially made a decision on the direction of this story by the time the next chapter is released!
Lots of love

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now