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Chat noir collided with the ground harshly. His usually graceful landings now giving way to anger and rashful thoughts. He rolled slightly as he fell, jumping up back onto his feet, flinging out his staff.

The metal pole flew through the air which was now thick with a dark ashy smoke that stung chat eyes even from how far away he was.

He heard the clang of the metle as it hit the ground, and he was satisfied that he wouldn't instantly melt if he walked in.

Chat noir walked forward, his eyes tearing as he entered the smoke filled street, the black ash perfectly in line as if trapped in an invisible box.


Lila walked out onto her balcony,  rubbing her eyes as she tried to ignore the burning ash that irritated them.

"Ha! Seems like marrinette really is the monster I made her out to be." Lila cackled, her voice echoing though the ash making it all the more bitter "the perfect little girl that would never hurt anyone is now hurting everyone! Do you love it as much as I do?"

Persephone hissed. Stomping her foot into the ground, the concrete splintering apart and shooting up. A platform that carried the akuma victim up towards Lila.

"Not everyone.... just you." Persephone whisper Her voice plain and emotionless.

"Oh no... I'm so scared" Lila mocked, a cruel expression on her face "maybe you havnt guess but I have the powers of Gods on my side!"

"Is that so?" Persephone asked sceptically.

"Hawkmoth isn't going to let , me,  his best villian die any moment now he'll take away your stupid powers" Lila cooed.

"Is he?" Persephone laughed "lets see about that!"

Persephone jumped over the balcony rail, picking up lila by the shirt color and lifting her off the ground. "do i seem any less powerful?"

Shock filled Lila's expression for a moment before she hit it behind her confident facade "it dosnt matter, ladybug and chatnoir wouldn't let anyone die I'm about as scared of you as I am a spider!"

Persephone tilted her head, mocking lila with a playful smile.

"I shouldn't be surprised that you don't watch the news... you might as well be allergic to anything that even vaguely true." Persephone laughed coldly "so let me get you up to date....

Ladybug is dead."

"What?" Lila asked, her voice breaking to a whisper.

"I killed her"

"No you didn't! You're lying!"

"Shouldn't you of all people be able to tell that I'm not?" Persephone shrugged.

"Chat noir will save me! You have nothing on him!" Lila hissed. Honestly she couldn't of cared less about chat noir she couldn't even remember exactly what his powers were but she hoped that she might be able to scare the akumatized marrinette into sparing her.

"Like usual Lila... you underestimate me." Persephone turned to face the edge of the balcony, pushing Lila up against the banister, the only thing preventing her from falling was Persephone's own hand.

"Oh please! Like I could underestimate you! You are nothing but a disgusting freak and this is proof!" Lila spat.

The balcony beneath persephone's feet and the banister under her hand both started to smoke and blacken. Trace amounts of ash being blown in the wind as she grimaced at lilas words.

"I am not-"

"Oh please! Why do you think everyone always believes me! It's because they already think thoes things about you anyway! I tell them what they want to hear!" Lila knew she shouldn't be upsetting the all powerful villian, it was a lesson you don't need to learn more than twice... yet old habbits die hard.

Persephone grabbed Lila's throat, squeezing it tighter as the girl coughed.

"Stop lying!"

"I-I don't need to.... you know its true" Lila smiled as if she had one but persephones eyes went dark and the balcony and banister burst into ash as the pain escaped her in violent uninted waves. Lila fell through the balcony, and persephone reached out to catch her, her fingers brushing the girls arm but she was unable to grab on.

Lila fell. A scream unable to escape her throat.


Okay... chat wouldn't admit it... but it was pure luck that he was close enough to catch Lila as she fell. But to be completely honest the more he thought about it the more he wouldn't have minded being a little bit too late.

He looked up to see Persephone on the balcony, looking down at the scene below with a cold though chat could of almost sworn he had seen a hint of relief cross her face when she caught sight of Lila alive and well.

"Persephone! This is over now! I will not let you hurt anyone else!"

Persephone smirked, jumping down from the balcony and onto the ground below, ash rising up in a big cloud as she landed. She tilted her head in a menacing way.

"I wasn't asking your permission."

"And I wasn't giving you a suggestion." Chat dropped Lila on the ground, and fought off a smirk as she yelled out an annoyed 'ouch'. "You will not hurt anyone else."

Chat lowered himself, raising his fists looking past persephones eyes and speaking to a marrinette that he prayed was still their. "Last chance, princess. Reject the akuma and fight of this evil."

"Make me." Persephone's voice was soft and sweet, an exact copy of marrinette's, and the very tone brought rage to chat eyes. Offended by this villian's nerve to even mimick her in such a disloyal way.

"If thats what itll take to get her back." Chat yelled back, Ironically growling like a dog. "Cataclysm!" He yelled out! Reaching out his hand ready to grab persephones swords, praying that it was the akumas hiding place.

Persephone turned, switching her weapon to the other hand, grabbing chats shoulder and kneeing him sharply in the stomach.

Chat recoiled back for a moment but it didn't stop him for long, he reached out again and again Persephone dodged. The two going back and fourth in an elaborate dance.

"You bore me cat." Sang out Persephone, her voice once again changing to something demonic and to chat relief very 'un-marrinette'.

Persephone turned again, spinning on her heel and stepping behind chat, grabbing lilas wrist. She had stupidly remained sprawled across the ground to the side of the fight, watching everything unfold.

Persephone pulled the girl onto her feet, putting her arm around her neck and pointing the blade of her sword towards Lila's head.

"So let me make this interesting." Persephone cackled pulling the sword back readying herself to plunge the weapon through lila's skull.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now