blood and tears.

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Chloe stood several metres away from marrinette who was trying to wipe the blood and tears out of her eyes.

She felt bad for marrinette. She knew that if she said it aloud it wouldn't mean much... heck she'd been bullying marrinette for years.... but this... this felt like to much.

Chloe wouldnt want to admit it but she had always wanted to be marrinette... she was talented, friendly, kind and she had the most amazing family... Chloe craved that... marrinette had what she never could.

Chloe realised overtime that no matter what she did or said marrinette would never change... she would always be the same talented, friendly and kind girl... even to her own bully- And Chloe couldn't stand that. She'd always wanted to see marrinette feel the same hatred and discontent she felt.

But Several months ago... Chloe saw it. she saw marrinette start to break... starting to stop caring, starting to give up, starting to die inside. But it didn't feel like a win to Chloe... infact... quite the opposite.

Seeing marrinette fall apart was like seeing the world end... chloe hadn't realised till after the fact but marrinette was the one person that never seemed to give up on her. Sure marrinette had told Chloe off before and she most definitely hated her... but marrinette had always some how seen chloe as more than her mean words... and it made Chloe feel like maybe one day she could live up to that.

But now... right now... Chloe could see marrinette was gone... she'd been shattered into a million peices and it would take years to glue her back together.

Marrinette had saved them and yet everyone believed Lila? No. Not everyone... because Chloe didn't...

Chloe walked over to marrinette, pulling a handkerchief from her pocket. she knelt down aside the girl and put one hand on the side of marrinette's head as the other hand softly wiped away the blood that had dripped into her eyes. She looked at marrinette and nodded.

Chloe gave her the handkerchief...

and walked away.

Authour's note: Hey guys:)
Short chapter! but things are about to get (in the next few chapters)  dramatic again... but disclaimer they are also about to get very dark so proceed with caution. But I thought this little moment of pure respect and sympathy from Chloe would be a good way to separate such intense parts of the story.
Anywayyyy hope you're enjoying everything so far and make sure to let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions 😘

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now