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He wasn't marriente but marrinette had loved him...

A couple times the topic had been discussed between chat noir and ladybug... the question of who would replace them if something were to happen... the conversation itself was a bit morbid but afterall they were super heros... it wasn't like it would be outside the realm of possibility. Adrian thought about the first time the topic had ever come up.

"Chat..." Ladybugs voice was so quiet and mouse like.

"Mhm?" They were sitting on a roof top over looking Paris, they had been fighting a supervillian named hellfire and there had been several very close calls, leaving some that may have even been fatal if not for ladybug lucky charm.

"Who would you replace me with?"

"What?" He asked, his attention fully hers.

"If I died... or couldn't continue on.... who would be the next ladybug?"

"Why are you asking me this" He said crossly. At the time he was convinced he'd never let anything of the sort happen to her so for her to bring it up seemed like a waste of time.

"I just... I want to know that whatever happens, Paris will be in good hands ya know?"

"I don't know..." Chat sighed. Placing his hands behind him and leaning back. "I havnt thought about it" maybe one of the other miraculous holders. Like carapace or Rena." He thought allowed and ladybug seemed pretty content with his answer.

"Or actually... marrine- I mean multi-mouse.... I think she'd make a good-"

"No. Not her." Ladybug interrupted abruptly before regaining her composure. "I... don't think she would be a good fit."
"Yeah... well I guess I'll have to think about it and get back to you." Adrian mumbled "who would you replace me with?"

"I don't know. I think probably another miraculous holder like you said... maybe kagami... or Luka."

The topic had come up a total of 5 more times until the duo become separated by the thin line of mortality. And each time new names had come up though chat would often return to vouche for multi mouse. At the time it didn't really seem all that serious... but now looking back he'd wish they'd both come to definite conclusion.

luka wasn't ladybug either but ladybug had trusted him.

So somewhere along the line Adrian felt like he could both love and trust luka too... like maybe they could become better friends through it all... and maybe luka could help him save paris.

Adrian had finally definitively chosen to pass on ladybugs mantle though it still caused his heart to ache at the very thought of replacing her. The whole next day in school he felt miserable... more so than usual and his head slumped down, his back arched into a less then graceful posture.

At some point in the day alya ended up speaking to him but in the end he just silently glared at her rather than scolding her with all the many unkind things he had to say. And eventually conversation trailed off and she walked off in a huff towards Lila. Ironically muttering about how he was such a bad friend.

When the last bell rang out Adrian stayed seated for a minute as if by delaying, he could somehow get out of the task completely. Yet reluctantly he slid out from his desk and sauntered towards the door apathetically, stepping out into a busseling hallway, missing a head on collision with another student out of pure luck. His hand grazed the rail as he walked along the hall then down the stairs. Flecks of paint clinging to his fingers. He watched as his old friends met just off to the side of the rows of benches and began to immediately start chatting as if they'd never had a better day in their life... but Adrian couldn't help sense a fakeness about it all... because... this is what happened everyday... and... how many 'best' can you have?

Lila called out to him. Her voice sounding shrill in his ear despite the sweet tone.

"Hey Adrian" She sung "wanna come to the movies with us, we... i really miss your company."

She talked to him like they were friends... like she hadn't betrayed him at every turn... like she hadn't been the one responsible for the deaths of the two loves of his life.

Adrian looked over at her for a second as he walked across to the front door of the school. She had a sweet smile and rosey cheeks, and if not for her wicked personality she might have even been pretty.

Adrian raised his hand poking up his middle finger as he glared at her before dropping it and walking away. Shoving his way between students as they all existed the school in a rush to begin their weekend.

Adrian slid into the back-seat of the car. His bodyguard grunting a hello and Natalie typing on her ipad very aggressively still managed to exchange pleasantries whilst never loosing focus from her task.

The ride home felt heavy Adrian didn't know if it was only him that sensed it but he was worried he might be crushed under the weight of the atmosphere. He wondered if maybe he was worried about his choice.

Maybe giving one of the two most powerful miraculous to a grieving teenager wasn't the best idea... though in all fairness Adrian was one himself and he figured he was still doing a decent enough guarding Paris.

Adrian didn't really eat any dinner his stomach felt like it was twisted up into millions of little knots. He just kind scrapped the food around his plate before eventually dismissing himself to his room. As soon as he shut the door behind him he transformed, leaping out the window and across the different buildings towards Luke's house boat.

When he arrived he stopped short of boarding. Looking at the light glaring out from several of the windows into the dark night. Part of him felt like it would be decent of him to ask luka in person but the other stronger part didn't want to say it out loud. In the end Adrian settled on simply leaving the miraculous in lukas room and disappearing before he be forced to acknowledge that ladybug needed to be replaced like a common appliance.

And that's what chat noir did. He peered into the window to see luka sitting on the floor, a guitar aside him with his fingers stroking the strings in a way that seemed unintentional but still created a very pretty pattern.

Chat noir quietly opened the window poking his hand through and leaving the little jewellery box on the window pane. He then shut the door and with one final glimpse he left sorrowfully.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now