not this time

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Disclaimer: bad language, death and mention of suicide

Chat noir panted. He looked up at persephone as he breathed heavily.

"Do it." He whispered. Truth be told... he hated Lila. He hated her for everything she had done to marrinette... and if she were going to do something bad... maybe this wouldn't be the worse thing she could do... at least not compared to the murder of an actual hero.

"What?" Lila gasped "what kind of hero are you!?"

"One that is over all of your bullsh*t, Lila." Chat noir stepped forward.

"If Marrinette is really gone and all that's left is all the pain and anger than you should kill her." Chat noir reached out his hand, brushing away a strand of hair from persephone's face. "But if you were wrong and marrinette's still in there then you won't be able too... she won't let you."

Persephone looked at chat with glassy eyes, looking at him as if she needed to say something.

"Ahh!" Persephone Swung the sword towards Lila but at the last second stopped herself and yelled through gritted teeth. She shook her head and ripped at her chest, as if she were trying to pull out her own heart.

Persephone jabbed the sword at Lila again but again she stopped herself, throwing the sword to the ground, and scratching and digging her nails into her skin, yelling as if her own heartbeat was driving her insane.

Persephone threw Lila onto the ground and the girl scuttled away, this time not daring to wait around to watch.

Persephone screeched out, before looking back up at chat with sad, light blue eyes that filled the hero with perculiar a mix of sadness and happiness.

Chat noir looked at her. He was right.. this wasn't persephone... this was marrinette... or at least part of her... and no matter how you dressed her up she was still the same kind, considerate and irreplaceable girl he'd fallen in love with a hundred times over.

Tears streamed down her face as she looked at the destruction she had caused, fighting against the dark impulses that commanded her to do more.

"Chat... I'm so sorry..." marrinette choked out the words and despite everything adrien just wanted to protect her.

He pulled her towards him and wrapped his arm around her, burying his face in her hair as the devastation of not only the city but also pouring from marrinette consumed him.
Marrinette stepped back, he eyes read and her fingers brushing down the length of his arm.

"Chat... i know you want to but... you can't save me... not this time"

"What? Marrinette what are you talking about? You are back! This is you!" Chat pleaded, his voice breaking with his heart.

"No... marrinette is dead... she was dead before she got akumatized... she was dead before she jumped off that building... she was dead before everyone wanted her to be... chat... you are trying to save a ghost." Marrinette looked up at him sadly an expression that he'd always considered to be unwelcome upon her face.

"Marrinette... you tried go kill yourself?" Chat looked at her with wide eyes, guilt taking over him.

"I'm not marrinette... I'm just another akumatized that really needs to be defeated." She sighed giving a sad, brave smile.

"I cant... you say you're dead but I don't believe you! I see you! You are right here! You are standing with me!" Chat touched her face as if to confirm she weren't just a figment of a grieving imagination.

" Chat... please... just let me go." Marrinette touched his cheek, mimicking his position. "My akuma... its not on an object... its a part of me. I can't keep fighting it off forever... you have to kill me before I kill everyone!"

"I can't.... I can't kill you!" Chat blinked away tears. He had saved her!  This wasn't fair! 

"Yeah... i didnt think so..." marrinette sighed with a soft smile.

Her hand clutched around chat noir wrist, pulling his hand up and to her heart, the destructive power of cataclysm instantly disintergrating her figure... disappearing as if she'd never been there to begin with.

An akuma fluttered through the pile of ash and as Chat finale beep rang out he turned back into adrien. He looked at where marrinette had been standing moments ago with sad, dark eyes that conveyed so much pain you'd think he'd never felt happiness.

Adrien reached his hand up. Grabbing the butterfly as it flew past him, crushing it in his fingers and letting its crumpled body fall to the ground.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now