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Lila was paralysed, mouth agape as the students began to run out of the school and surround her, marrinette and Chat noir. Alya had run over to marrinette, phone still in hand, snapping pictures of the disturbing aftermath for her blog.

"Marrinette? Are you okay?" Alya touched marrinette's shoulder gently. "Chat noir stopped the villian! Everything is alright now." Marrinette picked up her head of the ground, she had to close her eyes to combat the headache made worse by the light. Marrinette grunted a reply as she tried to sit up.

Lila stood, her back to the crowd. Though she realised that she would sooner or later lose to the bug and Chat team she was sure that she would of been able to kill marrinette before her inevitable defeat... lila was betting on everyones grief for the next part of her plan... but now that marrinette was still alive to rebut it... Lila's next lie would be alot harder to believe.

"I'm sorry guys." Lila said quiety- trying to summon tears. "I'm so sorry."

Alya turned her head, almost forgetting that she was helping marrinette. "Lila, there's nothing to apologise for! This is hawkmoth's fault... don't blame yourself." She smiled kindly.

"No... this was my fault." Lila tried to fight of the urge to smirk.

"Why would you think that? You're such a kind person! You didn't mean to do this." Alya replied.

"But... the thing is... I kind of did..." Lila sighed and the crowd went silent.

"What?" Chat noir had not wanted to get involved earlier but now that she admit to having not just hurt him but also his princess on purpose he couldn't sit idly by.

"I guess I should explain what happened."

"Yes please enlighten us." Chat noir called out, deciding exactly how mad he should be.

"Well... you see... marrinette... marrinettes been bullying me..."

Chat noir's eyes grew wide and flicked back to marrinette who was still struggling to breath after having fought for the lives of all her friends... there was no way she was a bully.

The whole crowd was silent for a moment till a snicker broke it, everyone turned back to look at Chloe who was covering her mouth trying to stifle her own laughs.

"Oh? You're not joking?" She looked at Lila with wide eyes and a furrowed brow. "Hmm.. okay let's hear it."

"I never wanted to mention it... I wanted to work through our differences and become friends.. but she always seemed to hate me..."

Alya had been holding marrinette's hand but her grip loosened quickly.

"She told me that she would take everything from me... that she would make me suffer... and that she'd
Make all of my friends suffer too." Lila looked back towards her classmates, pinching her arm to bring tears to her eyes.

"I didn't want her to hurt you guys... so... so when hawkmoth offered me the power to make her suffer instead... I accepted." Lila had to admit- this was one of her better performances. "I'm so sorry guys... I know you must hate me for putting you all in danger but I promise I'll never fall under hawkmoth's control again!"

Alya let go of marrinette's hand as she looked down at her 'bestfriend' who was on her hands an knees in a puddle of her own blood. "Is that true marrinette?"

"Would you believe me if I told you,  no?" Marrinette asked, already knowing the answer.

"I knew you hated Lila... but to threaten her? to threaten us! I never thought you could be so cruel." A look of betrayal crossed alya's eyes matching that of marrinette's.

"I didn't say any of that." Marrinette felt defeated... was there a point in even trying to argue anymore?

"Then how did she get akumatized marrinette? Hawkmoth dosnt target people in good moods, ya know!"

"I... I don't know... but-"

"Marrinette! I've always been your bestfriend... I've always stuck by you through your weird schemes and crazy plans... but... I can't be there for a bully."

Marrinette felt her heart completely break for a second time that day. This didn't seem fair... she had saved Paris, she'd done her job, she had given every part of herself to protecting her city and protecting her friends and yet everyone was walking away when she needed them to be there. This wasn't fair.

"I'm so sorry marrinette... I shouldn't of let myself get akumatized... I'm sorry I hurt you!" Lila walked over to marrinette, reaching out a hand, with a triumphant and mocking smirk painted across her lips.

Alya grabbed Lila's hand, pulling her away from marrinette- turning her back. "Lila- like I said... you have nothing to apologise for... she deserved what she got."

Alya had to admit that this was cold but marrinette had gone to far this time... alya wasn't sure marrinette was capable of something like that but then again... she had been acting very differently lately...

maybe marrinette had changed more than alya had realised.

Alya pulled Lila inside and the rest of the class gave dirty looks to marrinette as they turned to follow the two girls back into the school. Leaving only marrinette, chat noir... and Chloe.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now