How it ends

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it felt like Adrian's skin was being ripped away as magic swirled around him in violent waves. he hissed at the pain and clenched his teeth. he had one chance to do this and well it should have been an easy decision it most certainly wasn't... except for the fact he'd already made it. 

throwing his head up and yelling into the sky he shouted... 

"Tiki... plague... I wish... I wish Ladybug was still alive." 

the magic circulating Adrian whirled outwards, covering as far as the eye could see for no more than a second. Adrian's costume fell away and the Kwami's collapsed weakly on the pavement. suddenly the ladybug earrings grew red hot, and Adrian pulled them from his ears and tossed them to the ground tiki was suddenly dragged towards them and a pink glow blinded Adrian and he squinted looking at the outlined silhouette of his partner. 

slowly the light faded away and Adrian blinked, summoning plague back to his and before ladybug or anyone else may learn of his identity. 

and then.... there she was... ladybug... a resurrection isn't nearly as graceful as you may believe though. she was gasping like she forgot how to breath and she was crippled over in agony. 

chat noir stared at her, mouth agape and tears in her eyes. 


she inhaled shallowly, then took another deeper breath, awkwardly picking up the pattern again.

"Ladybug!" chatnoir shouted, scooping her into his arms and she wheezed in pain.

"Where.... what..?" she muttered, the taste of her own blood in her mouth. 

"I'm so sorry I let you get hurt!"

"chat... chat let go." she gasped and as he did she looked at him "chat... I was dead" 

"I know... I know... I'm sorry." 

"chat... I died... a long time ago... why... why did you bring me back?" she coughed, doubiling over, her eyes bled-shot and welling with tears. 

"Because... Paris needs you.... i REALLY needed you"

"Chat Noir..."

"what?" he asked, his eyes turning glassy. "you're back... I fixed everything... just like how you always do."

ladybug coughed and blood appeared in the corner of her mouth. she smiled in an attempt to be kind. 

"it's not quite like that." 

ladybug, pressed her hand to chat noirs cheek and leant her forehead against his chest. 

"But chat... thanks for missing me." 

20 years later 

Adrian walked inside of his old home. He looked around at everything. it was just as pristine as he had remembered it. His daughter walked up beside him and wove her fingers into his and looked up at him nervously. Adrian looked down at her and smiled kindly. 

"Do you remember this house, Emma? It's grampa's house. You would have only been a baby last time we were here." 

Emma shook her head and looked into the house. The dark, shadows encroaching in a way that had always been unsettling to Adrian when he was younger, and he'd clearly passed it on to his kin. 

"Emma! come back sweetheart! I told you to give daddy a minute." a voice called out. 

"It's alright, Delphine. I want you both in here." a tall woman walked through the door, she had brown hair and a soft face, with big hazel eyes and tanned skin, she and Emma were identical in all but maturity and delphine held onto a toddler, wriggling in her arms that shared many of those same features. 

Delphine stood next to Adrian, and he wrapped his arm around her. 

"Are you okay?" she whispered. 

Adrian took a deep breath, considering whether he was or not. 

"I'm okay... I just... I think I'm going to miss him." Adrian blinked away tears " He wasn't the best dad... I mean after my mum died... he.... but he got better, and he started trying again... and... I just don't think I gave him enough credit for that." 

"He Knows you loved him, Adrian and he loved you." 

"yeah... you're right... i just.... " he turned towards Delphine "I have an awful habit of not telling the people I love how much I care about them." 

he kissed Delphine and whispered "I love you" to her and pulled his two daughters into a hug. 

that afternoon his daughters found his old toys and took it upon themselves to undo all of the cleaning staff's hard work. Delphine unpacked the children's bags and Adrian walked outside, grabbing some boxes from his car. 

he looked out over Paris... it was weird to be back in the city... he'd almost exclusively avoided it since he left for college, with the exception of coming home to collect his mother's ring so that he could propose. Emma had been about two and him and his now wife had been in love for nearly a decade. and had his father visited him in the countryside as he promised then he wouldn't have come back to Paris at all. it just felt weird, He didn't need to be a superhero anymore... he didn't have anyone waiting for him... all his friends had moved away. as he walked inside the bottom of the box, he was holding broke, and the items fell down the front steps and settled along the pavement. he walked back and began picking them up and he looked up to the rooftops, remembering his youth... and that's when he saw her. 

ladybug sat on one of the rooftops, staring towards the sunset. she looked the same as the day he'd left ... the exact same. while he and his classmates had grown, and each one by one had become an adult... went off to college and even started their own families. ladybug never got older.... he remembered the day she told him... 


"But you've brought me back a hundred times... why is this different." a younger chat noir had once said to his lady. 

"Because my miraculous fixes things... a wish.... never goes the way you want it." 

"But it doesn't matter... you're back! you get to live again!"

"chat... I can never see my family again. I... Ladybug was dead for months and so was my civilian form... if I go home they'll figure out my identity... and even if by some amazing miracle they don't... it'll only be a matter of time till they realize I'm not getting older... 

"Ladybug... I... I didn't think..." 

"it's funny... cos at one point I didn't want to be ladybug anymore... i wished she would die and i could go on to live a normal life... ironic isn't it." and she smiled... it wasn't a resentful smile... it was sad, but it was also kind.


Adrian watched the heroine, that's all she was now... she didn't have a family... or friends... all she mattered to people were if she saved them... and that's what she'd be for all eternity. 

and he looked at her and he cried because he saw the same look in her that he saw in Marinette the day she had died.  but unlike Marinette... ladybug would keep living. 


I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now