plagg's cheese

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Adrian and marrinette parted ways outside their school. Adrian had appreciated the time with his classmate- he rarely got to spend time with her outside of school but he found that the few times he had were his favourite memories by far.

Adrian approached the tall gate which was supposedly meant to keep people out but just as effectively kept him in. Adrian jumped up grabbing the gate- pulling himself up and over it in a single movement. He ducked past the security cameras and shimmied up the outside wall to his window. He wasn't sure If his newly found athletic excellence stemmed from his cat noir skills or confidence but he didn't care either way. He still got inside easy enough.

Despite his father constantly worrying and hovering over him he never once checked Adrian's room and found it empty. Adrian spent hours everyday fighting super villians and yet his father had conveniently never felt compelled to look in on his sons room during thoes times- it confused Adrian to no end but he dare not bring up the topic out of fear that his father would revoke thoes few hours of unsupervised bliss.

Plagg flew out from adrians jacket darting straight towards his stash of cheese. Adrian jumped over the arm of his sofa and kicked his shoes off not daring to dirty the prestine fabric. Adrian dug his hand into the side of the couch searching for the tv remote and assuming it had slipped between the sofa cushions. His hand felt the cool plastic and in a single motion he plucked out the device and flicked the television on. Plagg flew over- his tiny arms cradling a variety of cheeses as if they were precious jewls. Adrian stole a cube of gouda from his kwami and popped it into his mouth warranting a nasty look from plagg. Adrian would hate to admit it but he found himself becoming annoyingly fond of the cheeses that plague ate almost obsessively. He chalked it up to a side effect of using the cat miraculous but in all honesty he wasn't sure.

"Once again ladybug and catnoir saved Paris from evil-" a slide show of pictures and videos of the fight from earlier flashed up on the screen. He smiled at the screen as the presenter read of a list of praises for both him and his partner. The clip changed and a shaky video of ladybug fighting came on screen. The video zoomed into his lady and he watched her elegant movements with admiration... wait no... they weren't elegant.... they usually were but not today... today they were sloppy and predictable- she was better than this.

Adrian was now scowling at the footage... how had he not noticed how different her deminear was today? As the clips and photos continued her fatigue became increasingly more apparent. He felt a twinge of guilt for being so wrapped up in his own world that he'd failed to look beyond her perfect smile...

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