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It felt strange heading back to the town I ran away from 5 years ago but here we are
I haven't seen my dad in a very long time nor have I made the effort to come see him but with Mason by my side I feel like I'm able too and because we're staying for a few days Mason is definitely my comfort blanket

The night I left this town I cut ties with pretty much everyone here besides Shelby Shannon and Sasha. They're the only ones who have been by my side throughout this whole thing
And all of them adore Mason and the way he is with me, it's honestly felt so easy and so right
Yeah I know it shouldn't be all easy but even when we argue it's always resolved there and then

When I see the sign that announces the little town my whole body tensed up and Mason noticed immediately and puts his hand on my thigh I'm an effort to comfort me. Thankfully to get to dads house you haven't got to go far into the town, dad moved almost a year ago now meaning I don't have to go into a house full of memories, something I was extremely thankful for

Before I know it Mason pulls into the driveway of a beautiful white and grey house with a lovely flower garden at the front, my dad had done an amazing job with making this house a home
Exiting the car my dad appears from the front door with the biggest grin on his face before pulling me into a hug

"It's been so long poppet" dad sighs squeezing me tight before pulling away and giving his attention to Mason
"Come here you" dad gleefully says pulling Mason into a hug as well
I don't know what it is but Mason and my dad get on like a house on fire and I've never seen my dad get on with anyone better then Mason either

"Do you want to have a house tour?" My dad questions causing Mason and I to both nod our heads in agreement
We haven't been to dads house before and we love seeing the interior of peoples houses so it was perfect for us

"Wow Patrick you've done an incredible job with this, did you get any help?" Mason asks while taking in everything
"No I did it all myself" dad proudly explains
"You did an amazing job dad" I say in awe
Dad had decorated the entire house with a grey, black and white theme with pops of dark blue here and there to make it different and to be honest he had done an incredible job with the whole thing

"Are you seeing anyone new yet dad?" I ask causing dad to shake his head
"No I don't really trust anybody anymore" dad sighs before offering to make us a cup of tea which we both say yes too

Dad hasn't dated anybody since his ex wife and we all know how that turned out and it's sucks that because of her actions he now can't trust a single person to share his life with
We all can understand why he doesn't trust anybody but it's just a shame he won't even try anymore it's like he's given up with love all together

Once we had our cups of tea we sat in the living room watching some reality tv and giving our unwanted opinions on everything
It's night like this I really missed when I used to live with dad, I do feel some guilt though because dads always had me with him yet when times got tough I just up and left him all alone

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