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"So, what do you think of Luca?" Michelle whispers with a slight smirk
"You aren't going to drop this are you?" I chuckle looking back towards Luca to find him already staring in our direction
"No I'm not going to, I saw the way he was staring at you and the only other time I've seen that is when James used to look at you" Michelle says before taking a sip of water from her water bottle

"To be honest Michelle, James and I have been seeing each other so Luca is out of the question" I explain only resulting in Michelle rolling her eyes
"But you guys aren't together though so you know that door can still be open" Michelle whispers
"I mean me and James haven't really had that conversation about what we are and we haven't really been talking recently and a bit of eye candy whilst I dance isn't a bad thing I suppose" I softly say causing Michelle's eyes to widen and a shriek come from her mouth

I wasn't lying about James and I, we really haven't been talking or seeing each other as much lately
I'm not sure the reason why but James has or is trying to distance himself, I've tried reaching out multiple times and he always claims he's completely fine

Having a harmless flirt with Luca isn't doing anything wrong, in my opinion and I'm sure others will feel the same way. I'll just have to see how James wants to run this course and go from there
That's one of the main reasons I decided to come back to dance, I now have a way to release my emotions and distract myself from my own reality and that was definitely something I wanted to do

"Something on your mind?" A deep husky voice asks me bringing me out of my own head
"You could say that" I softly say looking up and meeting the greenest eyes I had ever seen
"I think I could help with that" Luca softly says making me giggle
"You don't even know me" I say causing Lucas' soft lips to curl up into a grin
"I think we should change that" Luca smirks

My phone ringing breaks the conversation, I walk outside Studio A to see James' babe at the top of the screen. I hesitantly answer the phone, I haven't spoken to James in a few days so I didn't know what this phone call could be about

"Hello" I timidly say
"Hey love, how're you?" James asks but this only confuses me more
"I'm okay? Are you alright?" I question
"Yeah I'm fine, you don't sound okay though" James asks
"I'm just confused, we haven't really spoken in a while so I didn't know where I stood with you" I explain causing James to sigh in the other end

"I was just dealing with things, I'm free this evening can we meet?" James says
"Uhm yeah that sounds good, I'm just at dance practice then I'm free afterwards" I explain
"Dance? When did that happen?" James questions
"Today, I came earlier and spoke to Miss Kate so now I'm back to dancing" I say with a slight chuckle
"As long as it's something you want to do I'll support you" James softly says
"Thank you, I've gotta go now though I'll see you after" I softly say before ending the call

This has only confused me even more, there's always going to be history with James but I can't deal with him going MIA all the time and pretending like it never happened
On top of that there's something about Luca making me want to get to know him more, I don't know what to do anymore

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