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James still hasn't come back and it's almost been 24 hours, I've tried contacting him yet he either declined my call or turns his phone off
I honestly have no clue what's going on, what secret could possibly make him get up and leave when I need him the most

"Hey Riley, I've got some results back and I thought I needed to tell you this now instead of waiting for the rest to come back" Jonah explains softly
"Okay" I reply before letting out a deep sigh
"Basically there's no nice way of saying this but your dad has got cancer, it's in multiple places on his body including his brain, we believe that the medication he was on for the pain from the car accident caused it to get worse rapidly, we're going to be monitoring the growth to determine how fast it is spreading and I'm so sorry we didn't see it sooner but the tests we ran didn't detect it" Jonah explains

"Wow I wasn't expecting that" I whisper
"I'm so sorry Riley" Jonah says while placing his hand on my shoulder
"Once we've got more answers I'll let you know okay? And once again I'm so sorry about Beth, I wish I knew the history and I wouldn't of ever brought her to you" Jonah explained

"Hey you aren't to know that James cheated on me with her back in school or the fact Beth used to beat James, his sister and I up or the fact Beth has spent time in prison for that.. not to mention her breaking into my house and making my life so miserable all because I was dating James.. and considering James left shortly after her visit and hasn't come back whatever secret they're hiding is a pretty serious one" I blurt out

"There is something I do know but I'm not sure if it's to do with James however thinking of the timeline it's possible it is" Jonah says
"Wait you know something" I ask sitting up in my seat
"Yeah, we got told a few weeks ago however after yesterday it got me thinking and I've matched the dates up" Jonah explains

"So a few weeks ago Beth had announced on Facebook that she was 12 weeks pregnant and 2 months before that I kept hearing her mention that she was still sleeping with an ex and that's the only thing I can think of" Jonah continues
"It might not be his but you deserve to know considering you're pregnant as well" Jonah sighs
"Wow my life just gets better and better.." I scoff

"Thank you for telling me, I'll look into some more myself and try and get some digging down.. like you said I deserve to know and if it is James' then he's been sleeping with us both and for his sake she best be talking about someone else" I reply
"Yeah I'd help you hide things, I work in here after all" Jonah playfully says
"Oh I'd like that, least I've got you as my partner" I giggle

"Once again I'm really sorry Ri" Jonah says opening his arms slightly offering a hug which I gladly take, it's something that I needed right now
I've found out that Beth is still around here, my dad has cancer and James might of knocked up Beth all in 24 hours

What else could go wrong

Jonah leaves the room so once again I'm left alone with dad, he still looked pale as anything and he hasn't woken up since we've been here
All I needed was my dad.. I needed a cuddle off of him.. I needed him to tell me everything was going to be alright

But I had nobody
I've got no support..

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