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I'm upstairs in the bedroom catching up on some work while Patrick is doing the same downstairs in his office, the house was quiet and peaceful while we both concentrated
However this didn't last long when the front door flung open and the sound of Riley shouting for me followed shortly after

Rushing downstairs I see a panicked Riley and the only time I've ever seen this was when she bumped into someone who she thought was James and ran back home to me
But considering we're in Riley's old town I wouldn't be surprised if it was really James this time

"Ri love you need to breath" I calmly say guiding Riley into the front room so we can all sit down while Patrick runs and grabs Riley some water
"Deep breaths okay? Do it with me" I speak softly followed by doing deep breath and counting to 3 with each one causing Riley to do the same and focus on her breathing to calm down

After a few minutes Riley is calm enough to talk, you wouldn't think that a not that long ago Riley was a trembling mess if you saw how she is now
"What happened for you to be like this?" Patrick asked making Riley sigh

"Basically I had parked the car and went to cross the road but as I went to get my phone out my pocket someone bumped into me and it turned out to be James.. I would of been fine with that since I went inside and calmed down with the girls however James had turned up after we had a few drinks and made a bee line for us so I ran out the back and came straight here" Riley sighs

"No wonder why you're the way you are" I say "I'm going to go and run you a bath and then I'll cook us all some dinner, you need to relax! You've had a stressful day" I softly speak getting il and heading upstairs
"He's a good guy you know" I hear Patrick say thinking I wouldn't hear him

I make sure to use one of Riley's bath bombs, I know which one her favourite is so it isn't a hard decision to make. Once the bath was ready I got out some rose petals and candles and dotted them all around the bathroom for Riley, I then grabbed the laptop and pulled up Netflix so she can watch on of her favourite shows

After making sure everything was just as perfect as Riley is I call down to her and it doesn't take long before I hear her feet coming up the stairs
I meet Riley in the doorway of our bedroom and cover her eyes before leading her to the bathroom
"Right you can look now" I whisper into Riley's ear before taking away my hands

"Oh Mason you always know the right thing to do" Riley gushed before turning around and giving me the biggest cuddle she could, I gently place a kiss on the tip of her nose and close the door so she can have her own space
I waited until I heard Riley undressing before I got out a pair of jogging bottoms and a soft bodysuit with some fluffy socks ready for her for when she gets out

I make my way downstairs to start dinner and find Patrick exactly where we left him
"Hey what did you want for dinner?" I ask
"Uhm you cook that really good pasta dish, how about that? I know Riley loves that meal" Patrick's suggests causing me to nod my head
"That sounds like a perfect plan, I'll start it now" I say with a smile and head towards the kitchen

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