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Once I get into my bedroom and shut my door behind me my phone goes off, I pull it out of my pocket to have a look at it was James
Confirming that the car following me was his but now he knows where I live and he'll be able to see what bedroom is mine too

I get a wave of different emotions take over my body and I just call the girls to fill them in
"Hey girls I need to talk to you" I sigh making the girls instantly worried
"I went for a walk earlier and ended up at Parkour Alley in the spot which used to be mine and James' spot anyway I start reading my book and lose track of time but as I'm leaving I get pulled behind a bush by James" I explain gaining a few gasps from each of them

"So that means he was stalking you today yet again" Sasha says in disbelief
"Yeah that's what I was thinking" Shelby says
"But that's not the worst bit, this car was following me home and as I get in which was a few minutes ago now James had sent me a message" I explain
"That's honestly so creepy" Shannon sighs
"What did the message say?" Sasha asks

"It says 'where is the fun Riley I used to know, this scared one isn't much fun' which I think is very creepy" I explain
"Yeah that is weird, I don't understand why James has turned like this to be honest" Shelby says, the other girls agreeing with her, my phone vibrates again
"Please tell me that wasn't James" Shelby sighs

"Yeah it was" I say emotionlessly "he's now put 'are you going to turn your bedroom light on, I'd love to see that smile of yours'" I continue
"What the fuck" the girls say in unison
"Nah Riley go into a different room and pretend it's yours, your dad has a spare one right?" Sasha suggests and without another word I go into the spare room pretending it was mine which certainly does the trick

"Are you okay?" Shannon asks "No I'm far from okay" I sigh "I'm gonna go now guys, I'll keep you updated" I say and hang up the phone before any of them can stop me. To be honest I don't know what emotions I should be feeling right now but all I felt was numb and empty.. why is James behaving this way

I go back and re read James messages to me while heading to my actual bedroom shutting the curtains and checking every window was locked
I type out a message to James and send it, I need answers.. I need to know why he's being this way.. why he's stalking me all the time

Within seconds he opens my message and starts to type but it isn't until an hour and a half later he finally sends me a reply

James~ "you're mine Riley, I'm making things right"

As soon as I read it chills ran through my body and I let the girls know what he's said and type a reply back to him

Riley~ "I'm not yours James, you cheated on me and treated me like shit so if I am meant to be yours surely you would of treated me better"

James~ "I was young and stupid, I'm sorry for how I made you feel"

Riley~ "but you aren't sorry you cheated on me?"

James~ "not really no it was a fun night"

I end the conversation there and leave James on read before locking my phone and turning over to get some sleep, this boy was something else that's for sure

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