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Riley and I had been practicing our duet for almost 2 hours now and we've managed to get majority of it done however Riley isn't open to having anymore lifts within the routine
I stopped begging a while ago since Riley was getting quite irate about the whole idea, I mean there are a few in the beginning so what's the harm in one more?

Maybe it has something to do with James?

I start the music from the beginning and we take our starting positions while we count ourselves in

As the music ends I find myself and Riley stuck in our final position staring into each other's eyes
Riley's big hazel eyes just drawing me further and further in but before I do anything I regret I pull away and walk towards my locker to grab myself a drink

Don't get me wrong I'd love to kiss Riley but she's got someone else in her life and I don't want to ruin any chances I have in becoming her friend
"That was the best one we've done" Riley breathlessly sighs still standing in the middle of the dance floor
"Yeah I agree it was, I think we've got a solid routine" I say

"I do too" Riley sighs before heading over to the lockers as well, staring at the floor as if something is on her mind
"You okay?" I question making Riley look at me again
"How do you know somethings up?" Riley asks with furrowed eyebrows
"It's written all over your face" I chuckle

"I'm just in my head, that's all" Riley replies before grabbing her water bottle and taking a sip
"Is it alright if we call it a day? Carry on practicing it on Monday when everyone's here?" Riley asks
"Monday? That's 3 days away.. we don't really have time to not practice, the competition is 6 days away" I explain

"It's just I'm busy that's all" Riley says with a shrug of her shoulders
"Yeah okay fine" I say before grabbing my bag and hauling it over my shoulder before heading out and into my car
I understand people get busy or they've already had plans but this competition is really important

It's my first competition but no one else knows that, I was supposed to be doing this duet with Maisie however we couldn't decide and I was almost pulled out from the competition
That was up until Riley had shown up, I just hope that Riley is serious about coming back to dance and doing competitions

I got lost in my thoughts once again and it wasn't until I pull up my road that I snap back to reality, no matter what was going on in my life I always had to make sure I was okay so I could look after my mum
I pull into the drive away and walk into the house and head straight upstairs to check on mum who looked like she was sleeping so I didn't disturb her

I head towards the bathroom and have a shower before chucking some clean clothes on and making my way to the kitchen so make us both some dinner
I check the cupboards and see that we don't have much at all but that's nothing unusual within this household

We were lucky to have a single cupboard half full on a good day, I search through it all and find some pasta so I decide to make that and throw in some vegetables we have left over along with a sausage that was about to go out of date
It doesn't take long for it to cook through and as I'm about to plate it up I get a info kay the door making my stomach turn, we never have anyone come to our door

As I cautiously open the front door I see an all familiar nurse at my door with an expression I never wanted to see
"Hey Luca, can I come in? We need to discuss some things" Imogen says causing me to sigh and open the door for her further, it's going to be a long night..

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