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I wake up bright and early and finally turn my phone back on, I had multiple messages and missed calls from James and a few from some others as well
I sigh at James trying to reach out after last night and get ready for work straight away and once I'm finished I leave for work

I work at this little retro cafe and have been for almost a year now, it was always part time or whenever they needed staff but since I moved closer it's been more permanent
I love this job to be honest, the regulars always strike up a conversation no matter how they're feeling within themselves and just make my day brighter and the staff I work with here and the most sweetest people I've ever met

"Hey Riley I'm really sorry to do this but is there any chance you can stay on for a few hours today?" Linda my manager asks making me check the time I would finish
I nod my head yes once I realised I would be finishing at 6pm tonight instead of 2pm making Linda sigh with relief
"You are a lifesaver" Linda says before calling someone off her phone making me laugh

I've just come back from my lunch and I had the bbq burger stack that we sell here, I never used to like bbq sauce but over the last year or so I've been obsessed with it
I hand my plate into the kitchen before finding the chef Romeo
"Ro it was incredible as always, thank you" I shout loud enough for me to hear
"Anything for you Ri" Romeo smirks adding a wink at the end

Romeo was one of the biggest flirts here but he was also the biggest softy and not going to lie he looked good on the eye as well
I'm quite close to him and a few others here but I've never hung out with them outside of work before however they do know the drama that's been my life lately

I head straight back to the bar and set up my screen and whilst I'm doing that I notice a figure sit in front of me
"What can I get for you" I softly ask
"What do you think I want" a familiar voice says making me look at the person sitting across from me

Someone I never thought I'd ever see again.. not after what they did to me
I completely freeze with shock as I had forgotten about this person, I had no idea what to do but I'm pretty certain he knows the hold he has on me

"Cat caught your tongue?" He cheekily asks with a light chuckle
"What do you want?" I sternly say
"I want you Riley" he snarls
"No Mason you left me, you decided to get with someone else.. you made your bed now leave me alone please" I softly speak hoping he would leave

"No I picked someone else to see what you would do, you haven't got with anyone else so it's clear you want to be with me still" Mason chuckles
"See that's where you're wrong, I have been seeing someone" I chuckle as I watch the look on masons face darken with every word

"See I'm not the type of person to wait around for someone to finally come back to me, you shown me your true colours and I will never get back with someone like you" I spit in frustration
"Now this is where you're wrong, whoever you're seeing now is nothing compared to me, you'll come running back eventually" Mason snarls before getting up off his seat and walking out towards his bike

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