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After dad and I was finished embracing each other into our arms dad started the car and started to drive us back
I call Shelby Sasha and Shannon in a Group FaceTime call, they all answer straight away waiting excitedly for me to explain all the details

"How are we all?" I say stalling making them all groan
"We're fine, we want details" Shelby softly says
"Answers now please, how's the baby? When's it due?" Shannon asks making us all laugh
"Alright alright, the babies are due on the 12th May 2023" I announce

"Wait you said babies.. is it more then one?" Sasha asks
"Trust you to pick up on that" Shelby giggles causing us all to do the same
"It's twins" I explain making each and every one of them shout with excitement
"I'm so happy for you" they all sing together

We finish our phone call and I hang up realising dad hasn't taken us home, we were in fact going further into town
"Wait where are we going?" I ask
"You'll see" dad says with a smirk
I try and figure out the route we're heading and it isn't until I see the restaurant that I realise dad has taken us to TacoBell as a celebration

"Oh I should of known" I giggle
"You know me I can't help myself" dad chuckles
We get our usual order and eat it inside for a change, it wasn't often I got to spend time with dad so I was thankful for the times that I did

We decided to drive around for a bit driving around all the places we used to go to whilst I was growing up and to be honest it was a perfect day
We visited my old primary school then afterwards we went to the park I used to spend all my time in which was followed by the little diner we used to go to once a week with mum and Emily

It was bittersweet when those memories flooded back
Seeing mum and dad together just made me feel whole again. No one ever wants to see their parents separate but it's even worse when there wasn't any underlying issues

We stopped for some waffles, I ordered the same one I did as a child and dad ordered the same as me just like he did all those years ago
It was a waffle with crushed Oreo's, chocolate sauce, ice cream which was topped with sprinkles and some whipped cream, it tasted exactly as I remember

As I'm eating my thoughts disappear with me once again, the last time we were here was before mum and dad spilt up, not going to lie it felt strange not to have mum and Emily sat beside us
They spilt up because things got tough with dance and dad didn't want to pressure us in going but mum wanted to push us
Mum knew we had so much potential and didn't want to waste the money they had put into us getting as far as we did but dad didn't see it that way

It's a shame that my babies won't get to see a loving home but I know the people I'm surrounded with will shower them both with love and that's all I needed

I was broken from my thoughts by dad slamming the breaks on hard and the next thing I know is I'm flying through the air over the other car that's just ran through a red light
I had no idea what happened but with a sudden thud to the ground my entire world goes quiet and dark

What just happened..

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