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Over breakfast dad and Mason suggested I go and meet Sasha Shannon and Shelby while I'm in town so I give them a message in our group chat and they all agree to meet for some drinks with lunch
To be honest I haven't seen any of them for a few years so it'll be lovely to have a nice catch up with them all

After breakfast I take a shower and start getting ready, I pick out a white corset top with a pair of chocolate brown cargos. I then start to curl my hair and pinning them up so while I'm doing my makeup they can set
It didn't take me long to do my makeup since I planned on doing a natural look

"You look incredible" Mason says standing in the doorway while I take the pins out of my curls
"Thank you my love" I softly say back meeting his gaze in the mirror
Mason walks towards me eyeing me up with every step causing me to giggle, once Mason is standing behind me he snakes his arms around my waist while giving my neck soft open kisses

"Can I?" Mason whispers while tugging at the top of my trousers, I check the time and see if I can get away with having some fun
"Yeah you can" I whisper back causing Mason to pick me up and throw me on the bed before closing the bedroom door

"You look questionable" Mason chuckles throwing a towel over to me making me laugh
"I suppose I'll get up in a minute and get ready again" I giggle
"Was it worth it?" Mason asks with a smirk across his face making me nod my head

I slowly get up out of bed and check what I look like in the mirror and it's safe to say Mason was putting it lightly with 'questionable'
My hair somehow looks like I've added volume so I can easily get away with that but I need to redo my makeup but that won't take long

Once I'm dressed again I leave the house straight away and drive towards the pub, I believe the girls are already there waiting for me
I park up and head towards the entrance, a ringing sound coming from my pocket makes me stop before crossing the road

It was Sasha ringing to me to check I was still coming but before I can answer someone bumps into me on the street
Looking up I met the familiar brown eyes I used to love but before any words were exchanged I rush towards the pub instantly seeing the girls sat down near the back

"What's wrong?" Shelby questions making me shake my head "What happened? Is it Mason?" Shannon asks making me shake my head once again
"No no it's not Mason.. I just bumped into James" I sigh

"James? But James left town months ago, what would he be doing back?" Sasha softly sighs
"I have no idea but why did it have to be him" I sigh once again
This trip was going incredible and when I'm not with Mason I just have to run into James..

I just hope I don't see him the rest of the time I'm here, I've been doing so well and I don't want him ruining my mood like he used to
After many drinks and snack later I finally manage to calm down and have a laugh with the girls but that doesn't last long as Sasha's expression completely changes causing us all to look at see why

Of course James has come in and is walking directly towards us.. this wasn't something I ever wanted to deal with
I grab my phone off the table and quickly call Mason while saying a quick goodbye to the girls and heading out the back door as fast as I walked in

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