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Green eyes

I walk down the creaky stairs and head towards the kitchen to grab my self something to drink, the multiple men in this house making it a bit harder to make my way through
The amount of guards Beth has in this house is absolutely crazy and it's even worse when you realise they're all here because she has some type of dirt on them, there's a few here that want to help Riley escape but the ones who stay downstairs don't want to help making it harder for us

It doesn't help that none of us can see outside or know where this house is, it's safe to say that Beth went to the highest extremes to make this kidnapping happen and if I had known it was Riley beforehand I wouldn't of ever helped
I thought the dirt Beth had in me was bad however I would of let her scream it from the rooftops rather then helping hurt Riley

I mean I haven't done anything physical to her but I've still played a part in her being here
I agreed to come here and stay to make sure whoever Beth wanted kidnapped wouldn't escape and she also insisted for me to hurt them physically which I did agree too but seeing Riley looking so helpless on the floor I obviously couldn't go through with it

I've always had a thing for Riley and seeing her pregnant did hurt me slightly and then realising she was having children with James surprised me
I know that their relationship hasn't been perfect but I thought Riley would run for the hills.. actually I thought Riley would come to me..

From the moment I first saw Riley I thought she was absolutely beautiful, I've never seen anyone be that effortlessly gentle or caring either
Riley truly is the most selfless person I've ever met, I just wish I shown her a different side to me then maybe things would be different

A massive bang makes me snap my head towards the front door which was shortly followed by some stomping and a few shrieks, Beth's back. All morning she's been out looking for Maisie the last few days she's gone mia, the ones who have been helping Riley all know where she is but the others have no clue whatsoever

"That silly little useless cow" Beth shrieks in an inhumanly high voice
"I bet Riley has something to do with this!" Beth scoffs to herself making my heart drop
All because Maisie had enough of doing this life now Riley has to pay.. how the fuck is that fair? Oh yeah it isn't

I make my way upstairs with a few others and it wasn't long until Beth came marching up with a face like thunder.. this is going to be bad
I wanted to just grab Riley and make a run for the door but I know that's there's too many people here that are scared of Beth so they'll stop me within seconds

Beth can't blackmail me anymore, my dirt isn't bad well there's people here with worse, I've heard them gossiping with each other about it
Mine is after my mum passed away I got mixed with the wrong crowd, I got involved with a gang and basically ran drugs from a to b for people along with doing it myself, I moved away from the town I adored since it reminded me of mum way too much and I had to come and live in the rougher part

It wasn't something I was proud of and I know my mum wouldn't be proud of me but I had no motivation to do what I loved anymore, my friends left me.. and I didn't have a girl to keep me in my feet. So I did what I do best I ran, ran away from all of my problems and it wasn't until I saw Riley again that I came to the realisation that this live isn't the one I want to live anymore

"Oh Riley you've gone and fucked yourself now" Beth snarls causing Riley to look up at her confused
"Acting like you don't know?" Beth scoffs
"But I don't know" Riley replies softly
"You made Maisie turn her back on me so you're going to pay for it" Beth grumbles before looking around the room, her eyes landing on a piece of metal tube and it didn't take long before Beth was holding it in her hands just waiting for Riley to piss her off more

"Maisie's gone?" Riley asks in disbelief causing Beth to scoff once again before bringing her hand back and swinging it towards Riley's arms hard
I looked away before Beth had made contact, this was something I didn't want to see.. and hearing Riley's whimpers crush me

It wasn't until I had heard Riley begging for Beth to stop that's causes me to look back at her, Riley was clutching her stomach while trying to scoot herself away. It wasn't until I looked underneath her that I saw quite a bit of blood, I wasn't sure who's it was but either way I ran towards Riley scooping her up in my arms and made a bolt for the door

The ones who are nice helped me keep Beth and anyone else who wanted to cause harm away from us, I ran towards my car; Beth drove us here in it so it wasn't hard to get far away from here once we left the house. I gently placed Riley on the back seat while I jumped in the drivers side

I pulled up directions to get to the hospital and luckily it wasn't far from here at all meaning I could get Riley the help she needs. I rip off my face mask and gloves since all the stress was making me sweat and it didn't help with the adrenaline rushing through my body either

"Luca?" I heard Riley whisper in the back "Are you Luca?" Riley continued
"Yeah I am.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I thought you would judge me for getting mixed up with the wrong crowd" I explain
"I wouldn't of judged you.." Riley replied "It now makes sense as to why you toke a liking to me" Riley giggled to herself in the back

"If I could of gotten you out sooner I would have, I'm so sorry Beth did that to you" I softly said
"Did you know it was me?" Riley asks
"No I didn't know until I saw you for myself.. Beth kept it quiet" I explain
"What will happen to you once this all comes to light?" Riley softly says
"I'm not sure but I'll tell the police everything they need to know about Beth, I'm not keeping secrets anymore.. I want a different life" I reply

It didn't take long to get to the hospital and at this point Riley was in and out of consciousness making me panic even more. I frantically walk into the waiting room and just shout for help and explain the situation which causes a wave of doctors and nurses rushing to our side trying to help Riley, I wasn't allowed to go with her.. I wasn't allowed to know that she was okay.. they just toke her and pushed me further and further back until Riley wasn't in my sight anymore

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