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"You're very quiet today" I softly say to Mason gaining his attention "No I'm fine" Mason says maintaining eye contact but shortly after Mason looks away and stares off into space again
"Mason I've known you for how long now, I know when somethings up" I laugh trying to make light of this situation

"It's almost been three years Riley, you should know that" Mason snaps this is something he never does so I'm right in there being an issue
"Of course I know how long it's been" I sigh "what's gotten into you?" I question
"I'm sure you've gotta run off to James so go have fun" Mason snaps again

"James? Why would I go and meet James?" I ask with furrowed brows
"There's gotta be a reason as to why he's stalking you someone doesn't do that after five years especially when the other person has moved on" Mason spits his eyes growing more empty the more he speaks
"Mason I haven't seen James since that night, I wouldn't cheat on you" I softly say

Don't get me wrong I'm upset Mason thinks this but there's clearly a reason as to why he feels this way,
Maybe it's something I've done or his past but I haven't nor will I ever cheat on Mason
I just hope Mason sees that for himself instead of getting in his own head

"I wouldn't ever do that" I continue causing Mason to raise his eyebrows in disagreement
"What makes you think I will?" I sigh "Well your ex is obsessed with you, he's stalking you yet you claim he's blocked on everything.. just makes me wonder yknow" Mason sighs
"You don't trust me?" I ask slightly dreading the answer "No I don't" Mason spits finally making eye contact with me again

"Then in that case what's the point in us being in a relationship? If there's no trust what's the point" I sternly speak
"Let's just take a break, I need space" Mason sighs while rubbing his hand across his forehead before getting up to pack his suitcase and head towards the other bedroom, luckily dad has multiple bedrooms so we don't have to share but the car journey home tomorrow is going to be very awkward

The whole three years we've been together Mason has always been my rock, the person who I finally let in and now it's gone to nothing.. as if I don't mean anything to him
I don't understand how he thinks so little of me to the point where he's convinced himself I'd do something like that to him

I remain in the same spot Mason left me in for god knows how long just lost in my thoughts but I could hear footsteps coming back towards the bedroom I was in
"I might just go now" Mason softly says "I'll just stay here with dad then" I sigh "So is this it?" I ask
"It's just a break Riley, I'll let you know when I've made my decision" Mason speaks before turning away on his heels

Mason knows my thoughts on breaks in relationships and it's not something I ever wanted to do nor thought that me and Mason would be doing but here we are.
I have no idea how long Mason will need it if I should just prepare myself for the worst and go about my life instead of waiting for an answer but I know talking to my dad will definitely help

Once Masons car has left the driveway and the sound of the engine was nonexistent I make my way downstairs to be greeted by my dad in the hallway with open arms
I'm sure Mason has explained a little of what's going on so there won't be much for me to say

I can't help but feel selfish though, Mason was my safe place and now that's all gone because James won't leave me alone and I've got a bad feeling James will only get worse

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