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I laid frozen in bed for what felt like hours while I heard banging and crashing coming from downstairs, I think there's 3 or 4 people downstairs breaking things and none of them sound like a girl so once again they've got people to do their dirty work
I was just hoping that if I stayed silent and didn't move a muscle that they wouldn't even come upstairs and destroy things up here

But that was short lived when I heard loud thuds getting closer and closer
Someone is coming up the stairs and I now have nowhere to hide

My whole body starts to shake as I hear him coming closer to the room I was in but I heard him let out a deep chuckle before heading further down the hallway and I've got a bad feeling he's heading towards the nursery
"Hey guys I've found the nursery" a deep voice shouts down with a slight laugh
"Ayee atta boy" another deep voice shouts before the rest of the boys join him in the nursery each and every one of them laughing before they destroyed things in there as well

With every bang I heard the more tears ran down my face, I bit down onto the quilt in hopes it would muffle my cries but I must of been too loud as one of these men is now bent down so we're eye level with each other. The look on his face was something so petrifying that I couldn't even put it into words

His face distorts into a mischievous grin before his dirty chubby fingers wipe any some of the tears on my face, I move my face away from his grip but that only make him grab my face harder
"Now pretty lady you're coming with us" he whispers to me pulling the quilt off my body but I tried stopping him however he was just too strong for me

"Oh look you're naked" he chuckles while taking in every inch of my body, both my hands were unable to cover myself up properly so he was able to see pretty much everything causing me to sob even more
Eventually he pulled me up off of the bed pointing over to the wardrobe indicating he was letting me get dressed which I quickly did incase he changed his mind

Once I was covered he shouting to his other mates telling them he had found the 'jackpot' which I'm guessing is me
As quickly as they came in the house we left, I got dragged out by the same man who found me
His tight grip only getting tighter the longer we walked

I looked around at the mess these guys have caused and every bit I see destroys me even more
They've broken absolutely everything.. the new home James and I put together with love was now completely ruined by hatred

The last thing I saw was a blacked out van before my head was covered by some itchy cloth that smelt funny the long I smelt it the more fuzzy my head had become before complete darkness engulfs me

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