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(2 weeks later)

I haven't heard a single thing from Mason since he left dads house, I decided to stay with my dad so I could give Mason the space he wanted
I just thought by now Mason would of messaged me or at least came to a decision like he said he would

I've had multiple messages from our friends up there asking me what's going on and every single one of them don't understand where this side to Mason has come from, they all know I wouldn't cheat and are just as confused as I am
My phone rings breaking me from my thoughts once again, I check the name and it reads Francesca. She's someone I got extremely close to in my home town so it wasn't out of the blue for her to check in on me

I answer the phone with a simple "hello" but instead of being greeted how I normally am I have a frantic Francesca in my hands
"Have you been on Facebook today?" She asks concern laced in every word
"No I haven't why?" I ask with furrowed brows "I'm going to check it now since it's got to be important" I laugh thinking it's just some drama but instead I'm met with someone I never thought would happen

"Has it loaded yet?" Fran asks "Yeah it has" I breath out "I just don't understand.. it's been two weeks" I sigh feeling tears stream down my face
"I bumped into them the day he came back but I only thought she was a friend, they weren't touchy or even flirting.. this isn't like Mason at all, I'm so sorry you've had to find out this way" Fran explains
"No Fran it isn't your fault at all, it's Masons thank you for telling me" I say calmly

"I saw it straight away and that's when I called you, just so you aren't waiting around for him to finally tell you where he's at" Fran softly speaks
"No I know, you've always told me things straight away and I appreciate you for that" I say
We then exchange our love yous and good byes before ending the phone call

I go through my fb to mine and Masons first picture together and then proceed to delete every single one, anything with his name in is removed also
I don't want to be reminded of him and how he's ended this relationship, he never properly broke up with me yet he's with another girl so is this classed as cheating?

Once again I'm left in the same boat as I was with James.. both guys I ever fully let in have both destroyed me in the same exact way
However I never thought Mason would he capable of doing so

It takes me quite a while to remove any trace of Mason on my accounts but as soon as that was done I remove Mason from any social media I have 
There's no way in hell that I'll be keeping in there when his only mission is to hurt me, Mason has just lost me for good and I hope he doesn't come running back if this relationship of his doesn't work out

There a faint knock in the door before I faint "Ri?" Is heard from the other side, I quickly wipe away my tears before opening the door to my dad
"Do you want to grab some TacoBell?" He asks
"Yeah I'd love that right now" I giggle, my dad has always been good at knowing what to do to help me and obviously one of them is to go and grab one of my favourite foods

Dad gently pulls me into a cuddle before whispering
"I never saw it coming either poppet, this is a reflection of him and at least you found out before you guys were married or pregnant"
"Yeah that's very true, thank you" I softly say before we pull away and head towards the car

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