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"Here you go mum" I softly say placing a cup of tea of the table beside her as she watches the morning news. I take a seat on the other sofa and watch with her as I eat my bowl of cereal
I'm not really paying attention to the news since I need to get out the door and head to my new job

I started it last week and I'm now an accountant for this big law firm, I'm able to work my way up if I'm able to do so as long as o get the qualifications I need and since Riley is pregnant I'll be able to provide for them both
I haven't really spoke to Riley but that's because I've been trying to better myself and I wanted to show her that myself so after work today I was going to go by hers and explain everything

"Oh my god" mum gasps in horror making my attention go to whatever hers was on
On the news it was showing a car accident and as the spokesperson is reading out the victims names it makes my heart drop

This wasn't something I expected to happen..
This isn't how Riley's life is supposed to go..

I grab my things and call into work to inform them of what's happened and thankfully they're being understanding
I rush towards the front desk and try and get information on where Riley is but it isn't until I explain I'm the dad to her unborn child that they tell me her room and let me in

I walk in to find Riley was sharing a room with her dad, her dad seemed to have less tubes leaving his body and Riley was absolutely pickled
"Hey I'm Jonah, I'm the doctor dealing with Riley and Patrick, what's your relationship with her?" He asks softly
"I'm the father to the baby, I didn't get the chance to ask her back out yet" I sigh looking over at Riley

"Well Riley is in a critical condition, she has sustained quite a few injuries and as of yet we're waiting to go for a scan to check on the babies-" Jonah explains
"Wait babies? There's more then one" I ask with furrowed brows
"Yeah Riley's pregnant with twins" Jonah replies

"Riley had gone to a scan yesterday morning and that's when she found out, it also says here the due date is the 12th of May 2023.. Riley had been thrown out of her seat and went through the window before she made contact with the ground where she has broken her right shoulder and Riley also has had a bleed on the brain but that's been sorted" Jonah explains to me

I wasn't really able to process the information he was giving me, I was still in shock from it all
I don't know what is do without Riley
Riley is my entire world.. my rock.. the person I need the most

"Now moving on to Patrick, he never left the car but because the car hit the front he still did gain some injuries as well mainly to his legs, he has got multiple fractures from his left shin to about the middle of his thigh, Patrick has got fractures in his elbow and has a broken rib but out of the 2 of them he was awake early hours this morning so that is a good sign" Jonah explains making me sigh with relief

At least Patrick is okay in all of this, I hope Riley shortly follows

"Thank you Jonah, I don't know what to do with my myself" I sigh looking down at the ground
"It's okay I'll give you time with both of them, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you want and even stay the night" Jonah explains with a empathetic expression on his face

I just want Riley and my children to be okay, there's nothing I want more and I hope that's the case but I'm just so uncertain

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