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I continue my shift completely on edge, why is it when something goes wrong everything else has to follow as well
It's one thing finding out you're pregnant and the father is with some other girl but having your ex show up at your work is just the cherry on top

As soon as the clock hit 6pm I practically run out of the cafe and get straight in my car before putting my foot to the gas to get home as quickly as I could. To be honest now I don't feel safe not anymore Mason knows where I live and where I work what's to say he won't show up again

I pull into the driveway behind my dads car and head inside, I haven't seen dad in a very long time and I'm unsure if he should know all the latest drama just yet. Dad has a very stressful job especially with working away so often so I don't want to add any stress on top of that

I walk inside to find dad in the front room watching some film he's rewatched multiple times by now
"Hello poppet" dad beams as our eyes meet
"Hey dad, how was work?" I ask
"Oh the same old same old, have you eaten?" Dad replies making me shake my head
"Chinese?" Dad asks with hope in his eyes making me giggle
"You know I can't say no to Chinese, I'm going to head upstairs and shower etc but I'll have my usual and I'll come down once it's here" I explain to dad

I check my phone and see even more messages from James and as I'm about to get in the shower James calls again so I answer
"Hello?" I softly say
"Oh finally, why have you been ignoring me?" James questions making me scoff
"Uhm maybe because you accidentally called me yesterday while you're slagging me off to some girl" I sternly say

"Oh I did? That was Laura she's just a friend" James sighs
"Yeah I bet she is" I sarcastically reply "anyway I've got stuff to do James so talk soon if I feel like it" I continue before hanging up the phone
Because I didn't give James a chance to reply or fight for his excuse I get bombarded my text messages but as I did before I ignore them

After my shower I put on a baggy jumper and a pair of leggings with fluffy socks and just as I put my socks on the doorbell goes making me head down
"It's alright I've got it" I call out to dad who I believe is in the bathroom since he's no longer in the front room

I open the door expecting a delivery man with our food however I'm met with James and Mason both stood there with the same exact expression
"Can I get a break from you guys" I scoff "It's always one of you that fucks up and now the pair of you are on my doorstep like a bunch of lost fucking puppies" I continue

"What the fuck is he doing here Riley?" James sternly asks making me shake my head
"Mason turned up at my work earlier and told me I was his and that I'd come running back, I told him I'm seeing someone else and now he's on my doorstep" I explain with frustration laced in every word
"You will come back-" Mason smugly starts to say before I cut him off

"No I want you to leave, I don't want you here" I spit looking directly at Mason before he finally gets the hint and leaves leaving James and I alone
"Okay why was he here and why didn't you tell me?" James scoffs
"You have no right to be angry, you've been slagging me off to this Laura girl" I sarcastically reply

"No she honestly is, I see her like I see Piper but you get angry at me all of a sudden and then your ex shows up? That doesn't make sense Riley" James snarls
"James you're seriously pissing me off now, he turned up here cuz he wants me back" I explain once again
"Yeah so nothing happened then?" James scoffs

"Oh has something happened between you and Laura then?" I scoff causing James' features to darken
"Oh by the way James you know what you was hoping wouldn't happen.. well it has, I'm pregnant but it's fine I'm dealing with it since you're too immature too" I blurt out watching the colour drain from James' face

"Is it mine though?" James whispers making me glare at him
"Obviously it's yours" I spit "you don't believe me do you?" I continue in disbelief
"Not really no" James whispers looking to the floor
"Then leave" I sternly say before closing the door in his face

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